Curt Mccormick & Associates, L.l.c. - Limited Liability

8010 East Morgan Trail, Scottsdale, Arizona, 85258
(480) 991-0075

Curt Mccormick & Associates, L.l.c. is a licensed real estate llc in the city of Scottsdale, Arizona. Curt Mccormick & Associates, L.l.c. has real estate license number LC549706000 which was issued by Arizona Real Estate Department on 4/23/2004. The current status of license is Active and it is valid till 7/31/2021. The official address of Curt Mccormick & Associates, L.l.c. is 8010 East Morgan Trail, Scottsdale, Arizona, 85258 and the contact number is (480) 991-0075.

Designated broker for Curt Mccormick & Associates, L.l.c. (License No. LC549706000) is Curtis Mccormick (License No. BR011295000). Curt Mccormick & Associates, L.l.c. is a real estate llc and employs 3 employees as sales agents and/or brokers. Licensed real estate professionals / entities are also commonly referred to as real estate agents or Realtors.

Realtor's Profile

Legal NameCurt Mccormick & Associates, L.l.c.
License NumberLC549706000
CredentialsReal Estate LLC
Complete Address8010 East Morgan Trail,
Scottsdale, Arizona 85258
County NameMaricopa County
Phone Number(480) 991-0075
Fax Number(480) 991-0146

Arizona Real Estate License

License NumberLC549706000
License TypeReal Estate LLC
License Status Active
License Issue Date4/23/2004
Latest Renewed Date7/8/2019
License Expiry Date7/31/2021

Designated Broker or Managing Broker

A business entity cannot act as a broker in Arizona unless the entity designates an active individual broker to act on its behalf. Curtis Mccormick is a designated broker for Curt Mccormick & Associates, L.l.c..

Designated BrokerCurtis Mccormick
Designated Officer TypeBroker
License NumberBR011295000

Employees in Curt Mccormick & Associates, L.l.c.

As per our records, there are 3 real estate employees who are currently working for Curt Mccormick & Associates, L.l.c..

Employee NameCredentialsLicense Number
Curtis MccormickBrokerBR011295000
Melissa J Mccormick WiseBrokerBR501703000
Chad WeeksSalespersonSA042644000

Address Location for Curt Mccormick & Associates, L.l.c.
Real Estate LLCs in Scottsdale, AZ
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