Certified Realty Services, L.l.c. - Limited Liability

6192 N. 28th Place, Phoenix, Arizona, 85016

Certified Realty Services, L.l.c. is a licensed real estate llc in the city of Phoenix, Arizona. Certified Realty Services, L.l.c. has real estate license number LC557589000 which was issued by Arizona Real Estate Department on 12/2/2004. The current status of license is Active and it is valid till 10/31/2021. The official address of Certified Realty Services, L.l.c. is 6192 N. 28th Place, Phoenix, Arizona, 85016 and the contact number is 4802506605.

Designated broker for Certified Realty Services, L.l.c. (License No. LC557589000) is Richard J Lund (License No. BR019587000). Certified Realty Services, L.l.c. is a real estate llc and employs 1 employee as sales agent/broker. Licensed real estate professionals / entities are also commonly referred to as real estate agents or Realtors.

Realtor's Profile

Legal NameCertified Realty Services, L.l.c.
License NumberLC557589000
CredentialsReal Estate LLC
Complete Address6192 N. 28th Place,
Phoenix, Arizona 85016
County NameMaricopa County
Phone Number4802506605
Fax Number

Arizona Real Estate License

License NumberLC557589000
License TypeReal Estate LLC
License Status Active
License Issue Date12/2/2004
Latest Renewed Date10/23/2019
License Expiry Date10/31/2021

Designated Broker or Managing Broker

A business entity cannot act as a broker in Arizona unless the entity designates an active individual broker to act on its behalf. Richard J Lund is a designated broker for Certified Realty Services, L.l.c..

Designated BrokerRichard J Lund
Designated Officer TypeBroker
License NumberBR019587000

Employees in Certified Realty Services, L.l.c.

As per our records, there is 1 real estate employee who is currently working for Certified Realty Services, L.l.c..

Employee NameCredentialsLicense Number
Richard J LundBrokerBR019587000

Address Location for Certified Realty Services, L.l.c.
Real Estate LLCs in Phoenix, AZ
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645 E Missouri Avenue, Suite 210, Phoenix, AZ 85012
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2122 East Highland Ave #400, Phoenix, AZ 85016
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P O Box 80770, Phoenix, AZ 85060
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5210 North Central Ave, Suite 102, Phoenix, AZ 85012
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24 W. Camelback Road, #a528, Phoenix, AZ 85013
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4720 E. Cholla St., Phoenix, AZ 85028