Margaret Atwood is a licensed real estate salesperson in the city of Phoenix, Arizona. Margaret Atwood has real estate license number SA020348000 which was issued by Arizona Real Estate Department on 6/9/1981. The current status of license is Active and it is valid till 8/31/2021. The official address of Margaret Atwood is 21423 N 11th Ave, Phoenix, Arizona, 85027 and the contact number is (602) 938-2000.
Margaret Atwood (License No. SA020348000) is an employee of Encore Realty, a Corporation (license number CO000423000) and is working as Salesperson. Margaret Atwood has a license type of Real Estate Salesperson which allows a real estate professional to perform services such as selling, buying, renting, auctioning, advertising of real estate properties, but only on behalf of a real estate broker (licensed broker who employs the sales agent). Licensed real estate professionals / entities are also commonly referred to as real estate agents or Realtors.
Legal Name | Margaret Atwood |
License Number | SA020348000 |
Credentials | Real Estate Salesperson |
Complete Address | 21423 N 11th Ave, Phoenix, Arizona 85027 |
County Name | Maricopa County |
Phone Number | (602) 938-2000 |
Fax Number | (602) 863-9919 |
License Number | SA020348000 |
License Type | Real Estate Salesperson |
License Status | Active |
License Issue Date | 6/9/1981 |
Latest Renewed Date | 6/4/2019 |
License Expiry Date | 8/31/2021 |
Margaret Atwood is employed by Encore Realty which is a Corporation and Margaret Atwood is employed as Salesperson.
Employer Legal Name | Encore Realty, Inc. |
Employer DBA Name | Encore Realty |
Employer Type | Corporation |
Employed As | Salesperson |
Employer License Number | CO000423000 |
Employer Contact Number | (602) 938-2000 |
As per our records, there are 18 co-workers who are currently working with Margaret Atwood at Encore Realty.
Name | Credentials | License Number |
Barbara 'barbie' A Bryant | Broker | BR003002000 |
John J Getting | Broker | BR003917000 |
Wanda K Wieters | Broker | BR004054000 |
Toni Artino | Broker | BR007945000 |
Matthew Anthony D'alesio | Broker | BR027778000 |
Sheila Abdur-rahman | Broker | BR116843000 |
Robert H Butler | Salesperson | SA019402000 |
Margaret Atwood | Salesperson | SA020348000 |
Richard A. Zimbardo | Salesperson | SA022770000 |
Donna 'ginger' Bower | Salesperson | SA024907000 |
Barbara Jean Bailey | Salesperson | SA106125000 |
Robert G Ingram | Salesperson | SA116853000 |
Dwayne L Walliser | Salesperson | SA527580000 |
Patricia P Corson | Salesperson | SA541083000 |
Patricia L Adler | Salesperson | SA546596000 |
Ryan Denke | Salesperson | SA553977000 |
Susan B Foley | Salesperson | SA561360000 |
Salvatore Charles Artino | Salesperson | SA674183000 |
Jamie Sullivan Birtch | Salesperson | SA674495000 |