Barbara Sue Dennison is a licensed real estate salesperson in the city of Phoenix, Arizona. Barbara Sue Dennison has real estate license number SA046482000 which was issued by Arizona Real Estate Department on 10/30/1992. The current status of license is Active and it is valid till 10/31/2020. The official address of Barbara Sue Dennison is 2355 W Utopia Road, #100, Phoenix, Arizona, 85027 and the contact number is (480) 948-5554.
Barbara Sue Dennison (License No. SA046482000) is an employee of West Usa Realty, a Corporation (license number CO001154001) and is working as Salesperson. Barbara Sue Dennison has a license type of Real Estate Salesperson which allows a real estate professional to perform services such as selling, buying, renting, auctioning, advertising of real estate properties, but only on behalf of a real estate broker (licensed broker who employs the sales agent). Licensed real estate professionals / entities are also commonly referred to as real estate agents or Realtors.
Legal Name | Barbara Sue Dennison |
License Number | SA046482000 |
Credentials | Real Estate Salesperson |
Complete Address | 2355 W Utopia Road, #100, Phoenix, Arizona 85027 |
County Name | Maricopa County |
Phone Number | (480) 948-5554 |
Fax Number |
License Number | SA046482000 |
License Type | Real Estate Salesperson |
License Status | Active |
License Issue Date | 10/30/1992 |
Latest Renewed Date | 8/20/2018 |
License Expiry Date | 10/31/2020 |
Barbara Sue Dennison is employed by West Usa Realty which is a Corporation and Barbara Sue Dennison is employed as Salesperson.
Employer Legal Name | West Usa Realty, Inc. |
Employer DBA Name | West Usa Realty |
Employer Type | Corporation |
Employed As | Salesperson |
Employer License Number | CO001154001 |
Employer Contact Number | (480) 948-5554 |
As per our records, there are 590 co-workers who are currently working with Barbara Sue Dennison at West Usa Realty.
Name | Credentials | License Number |
Maryann Weirick | Broker | BR003953000 |
Michael R Douville | Broker | BR005082000 |
Roxie Lee Olsen | Broker | BR005502000 |
Robert F Long | Broker | BR005520000 |
Charles Voinovich | Broker | BR005541000 |
Esther Lover | Broker | BR005899000 |
Antonia "toby" Weinstein | Broker | BR006236000 |
Janine H Brown | Broker | BR007129000 |
Constance L. Roberts | Broker | BR007163000 |
Anthony Mormino | Broker | BR007398000 |
John A Shaffer | Broker | BR007746000 |
Jens C Plougmann | Broker | BR008300000 |
Shaun Fraser Rudgear | Broker | BR008458000 |
Laura J Todd | Broker | BR008638000 |
Ronald L Quain | Broker | BR019978000 |
Diane M Dion | Broker | BR021594000 |
Richard L Bemis | Broker | BR025404000 |
William P Leinheiser | Broker | BR025847000 |
Troy L Jones | Broker | BR032379000 |
Frederic Long Mann | Broker | BR033757000 |
Mark T Morelock | Broker | BR043155000 |
George J Bolan | Broker | BR043794000 |
Alan Dominic Corradini | Broker | BR045886000 |
Susan Marie Herber | Broker | BR112912000 |
Angela Simone Barney | Broker | BR114190000 |
Joel L Gunning | Broker | BR115220000 |
Suzanne Marie Rabold | Broker | BR115732000 |
Krista Schwartz | Broker | BR505679000 |
Robert J Harrington | Broker | BR506464000 |
Mark Honeck | Broker | BR507488000 |
James W Johnsen | Broker | BR509616000 |
Teresa M Armijo | Broker | BR513130000 |
Brian G Harron | Broker | BR513689000 |
Dian L Taylor | Broker | BR516400000 |
Jessica G Yarger | Broker | BR516878000 |
David W Ellis | Broker | BR519836000 |
Jodi Lyn Rust | Broker | BR527388000 |
Phillip N Reese | Broker | BR528604000 |
Richard B Wandrych | Broker | BR531162000 |
Ilya Melgarejo | Broker | BR533265000 |
Theresa M Jones | Broker | BR536417000 |
Tim L Greenfield | Broker | BR537623000 |
T Link Paffenbarger | Broker | BR538205000 |
Tony T Novey | Broker | BR541191000 |
Penny S Field | Broker | BR543782000 |
Larry W Harman | Broker | BR553299000 |
Patrick L Harvey | Broker | BR555699000 |
Daniel Lee Mullarkey | Broker | BR556029000 |
James J Wehner Ii | Broker | BR557829000 |
Justin S Fromstein | Broker | BR558339000 |
William E Adams Ii | Broker | BR574123000 |