Daniel J Frydrych is a licensed real estate salesperson in the city of Phoenix, Arizona. Daniel J Frydrych has real estate license number SA079706000 which was issued by Arizona Real Estate Department on 12/11/2001. The current status of license is Active and it is valid till 12/31/2021. The official address of Daniel J Frydrych is 2355 W Utopia Road, #100, Phoenix, Arizona, 85027 and the contact number is (602) 375-3300.
Daniel J Frydrych (License No. SA079706000) is an employee of West Usa Realty, a Corporation (license number CO001154005) and is working as Salesperson. Daniel J Frydrych has a license type of Real Estate Salesperson which allows a real estate professional to perform services such as selling, buying, renting, auctioning, advertising of real estate properties, but only on behalf of a real estate broker (licensed broker who employs the sales agent). Licensed real estate professionals / entities are also commonly referred to as real estate agents or Realtors.
Legal Name | Daniel J Frydrych |
License Number | SA079706000 |
Credentials | Real Estate Salesperson |
Complete Address | 2355 W Utopia Road, #100, Phoenix, Arizona 85027 |
County Name | Maricopa County |
Phone Number | (602) 375-3300 |
Fax Number | (602) 375-9409 |
License Number | SA079706000 |
License Type | Real Estate Salesperson |
License Status | Active |
License Issue Date | 12/11/2001 |
Latest Renewed Date | 11/18/2019 |
License Expiry Date | 12/31/2021 |
Daniel J Frydrych is employed by West Usa Realty which is a Corporation and Daniel J Frydrych is employed as Salesperson.
Employer Legal Name | West Usa Realty, Inc. |
Employer DBA Name | West Usa Realty |
Employer Type | Corporation |
Employed As | Salesperson |
Employer License Number | CO001154005 |
Employer Contact Number | (602) 375-3300 |
As per our records, there are 549 co-workers who are currently working with Daniel J Frydrych at West Usa Realty.
Name | Credentials | License Number |
Richmond A Johnson | Broker | BR003431000 |
Charles R. Sykes | Broker | BR003627000 |
Eileen M Kettner | Broker | BR003777000 |
Donna Presta Berry | Broker | BR003815000 |
Rebecca Sue Kapp | Broker | BR004195000 |
Carol Ann Mccarthy | Broker | BR004404000 |
Mike Cremieux | Broker | BR004789000 |
Steve J Pedersen | Broker | BR004899000 |
Gonzalo A Enriquez | Broker | BR004954000 |
Mary E Greene | Broker | BR004975000 |
Darren Kellas | Broker | BR005385000 |
Martin S Chichester | Broker | BR005445000 |
Bobby Miller | Broker | BR005702000 |
Peggy J Nystrom | Broker | BR005913000 |
Jon A Mrgudich | Broker | BR005914000 |
Carol A Vandercook | Broker | BR006181000 |
Robert B Macdonald | Broker | BR006741000 |
Audrey D Hickman | Broker | BR007155000 |
Judy E Nelson | Broker | BR008319000 |
Russell Atkinson | Broker | BR008784000 |
Madge Webster | Broker | BR009108000 |
Kirk J Dixon | Broker | BR009393000 |
Kevin George Alt | Broker | BR011378000 |
Janet L Wilson | Broker | BR011911000 |
Betty Stephenson | Broker | BR016449000 |
Judy K Kirschbaum | Broker | BR017165000 |
Patricia K Borton | Broker | BR018348000 |
Angelo R. Rivers | Broker | BR019459000 |
Felix Benjamin Villa | Broker | BR023936000 |
Linda T Yates | Broker | BR024354000 |
Stephen M Collier | Broker | BR026835000 |
Hilda Magliocco | Broker | BR030833000 |
Samuel Cano | Broker | BR031547000 |
Catherine Stephanie Jay | Broker | BR032203000 |
Craig A Micek | Broker | BR040980000 |
Joyce Lottie Wells | Broker | BR109734000 |
Samantha S Goodman | Broker | BR506190000 |
Orpha P Saunders | Broker | BR514155000 |
Jacqueline T Smith | Broker | BR514636000 |
Carol Sorensen | Broker | BR532043000 |
Sean D Bell | Broker | BR532802000 |
Jamie T Levy | Broker | BR533830000 |
Veronica C Hanna | Broker | BR535274000 |
Attila Toth | Broker | BR536132000 |
Elisa B Strocchio-bell | Broker | BR539108000 |
Ann H Vargas | Broker | BR585218000 |
Nicholas David Monaco | Broker | BR585377000 |
Raymond P Johnson | Broker | BR639377000 |
Sherrill Lynn Poindexter | Broker | BR680732000 |
Joel Allen Fredericks | Salesperson | SA014392000 |
Carl T Buttler | Salesperson | SA014989000 |