Jane D. Schmaltz is a licensed real estate salesperson in the city of Phoenix, Arizona. Jane D. Schmaltz has real estate license number SA537230000 which was issued by Arizona Real Estate Department on 1/26/2018. The current status of license is Active and it is valid till 1/31/2020. The official address of Jane D. Schmaltz is 2355 W Utopia Road, #100, Phoenix, Arizona, 85027 and the contact number is (480) 820-3333.
Jane D. Schmaltz (License No. SA537230000) is an employee of West Usa Realty, a Corporation (license number CO001154004) and is working as Salesperson. Jane D. Schmaltz has a license type of Real Estate Salesperson which allows a real estate professional to perform services such as selling, buying, renting, auctioning, advertising of real estate properties, but only on behalf of a real estate broker (licensed broker who employs the sales agent). Licensed real estate professionals / entities are also commonly referred to as real estate agents or Realtors.
Legal Name | Jane D. Schmaltz |
License Number | SA537230000 |
Credentials | Real Estate Salesperson |
Complete Address | 2355 W Utopia Road, #100, Phoenix, Arizona 85027 |
County Name | Maricopa County |
Phone Number | (480) 820-3333 |
Fax Number | (480) 820-2049 |
License Number | SA537230000 |
License Type | Real Estate Salesperson |
License Status | Active |
License Issue Date | 1/26/2018 |
Latest Renewed Date | 5/3/2018 |
License Expiry Date | 1/31/2020 |
Jane D. Schmaltz is employed by West Usa Realty which is a Corporation and Jane D. Schmaltz is employed as Salesperson.
Employer Legal Name | West Usa Realty, Inc. |
Employer DBA Name | West Usa Realty |
Employer Type | Corporation |
Employed As | Salesperson |
Employer License Number | CO001154004 |
Employer Contact Number | (480) 820-3333 |
As per our records, there are 317 co-workers who are currently working with Jane D. Schmaltz at West Usa Realty.
Name | Credentials | License Number |
Walter L Page | Broker | BR003653000 |
Larry T. Minchuk | Broker | BR004373000 |
Acim Malinovic | Broker | BR005619000 |
David C. Rich | Broker | BR005664000 |
Jack Jay Zupnick | Broker | BR006145000 |
Robert Victor Stephens | Broker | BR006184000 |
Daniel E Jones | Broker | BR007886000 |
Janice Galvin | Broker | BR021759000 |
Paul A. Moore | Broker | BR024583000 |
Cynthia De Santi White | Broker | BR028500000 |
Paul W Sondergeld | Broker | BR047181000 |
Richard F Black | Broker | BR102268000 |
Jeffrey J Silhacek | Broker | BR506671000 |
Sam G Wagenseller | Broker | BR512078000 |
Jerrold K Raviol | Broker | BR518436000 |
Joni E Mclin | Broker | BR521827000 |
Micah C Utterback | Broker | BR535620000 |
Linda P Kasten | Broker | BR538386000 |
Mary H Badger | Broker | BR572176000 |
Ronald R Bernier | Broker | BR629866000 |
Patrick M Murphy | Broker | BR637312000 |
Jason D Wagner | Broker | BR652205000 |
Andrea Marie Francis | Broker | BR654187000 |
Daniel F Reck | Broker | BR665016000 |
Claudia Loy Swartz | Salesperson | SA007182000 |
Bruce Jackson | Salesperson | SA014438000 |
Elaine Turnage | Salesperson | SA016498000 |
Mark Stephen Gunning | Salesperson | SA018139000 |
David Larsen | Salesperson | SA019951000 |
Henry W. Osoinach, Iii | Salesperson | SA021518000 |
Lorin Hatch | Salesperson | SA021754000 |
Mary R Frazier | Salesperson | SA022648000 |
Douglas K Chapman | Salesperson | SA023548000 |
Diane Hale | Salesperson | SA025400000 |
Nicholas F Klintberg | Salesperson | SA030603000 |
Robert Duane Tendick | Salesperson | SA032647000 |
Todd Thomas Lober | Salesperson | SA032750000 |
Mary Ellen Millard | Salesperson | SA034590000 |
Ronald Cunningham | Salesperson | SA034598000 |
Robert M Millard | Salesperson | SA035732000 |
Michael Cunningham | Salesperson | SA036973000 |
Janet E Cunningham | Salesperson | SA037012000 |
Brenda J Cunningham | Salesperson | SA037017000 |
Tanya Graeb | Salesperson | SA038100000 |
Diane Christensen | Salesperson | SA040101000 |
David A. Lane Jr. | Salesperson | SA041704000 |
Kim Renee Frost | Salesperson | SA042964000 |
Ronald E Chambal | Salesperson | SA043220000 |
Roxanne L Berry | Salesperson | SA044039000 |
Irene Pine | Salesperson | SA044168000 |
Kelly S Kenny | Salesperson | SA045630000 |