Matthew J Cerchiai - Real Estate Agent

7373 North Scottsdale Road, Suite A100, Scottsdale, Arizona, 85253
(480) 236-0396

Matthew J Cerchiai is a licensed real estate salesperson in the city of Scottsdale, Arizona. Matthew J Cerchiai has real estate license number SA684039000 which was issued by Arizona Real Estate Department on 2/19/2019. The current status of license is Active and it is valid till 2/28/2021. The official address of Matthew J Cerchiai is 7373 North Scottsdale Road, Suite A100, Scottsdale, Arizona, 85253 and the contact number is (480) 236-0396.

Matthew J Cerchiai (License No. SA684039000) is an employee of Tru Realty, a Limited Liability (license number LC637458000) and is working as Salesperson. Matthew J Cerchiai has a license type of Real Estate Salesperson which allows a real estate professional to perform services such as selling, buying, renting, auctioning, advertising of real estate properties, but only on behalf of a real estate broker (licensed broker who employs the sales agent). Licensed real estate professionals / entities are also commonly referred to as real estate agents or Realtors.

Realtor's Profile

Legal NameMatthew J Cerchiai
License NumberSA684039000
CredentialsReal Estate Salesperson
Complete Address7373 North Scottsdale Road, Suite A100,
Scottsdale, Arizona 85253
County NameMaricopa County
Phone Number(480) 236-0396
Fax Number(602)324-7590

Arizona Real Estate License

License NumberSA684039000
License TypeReal Estate Salesperson
License Status Active
License Issue Date2/19/2019
Latest Renewed Date3/1/2019
License Expiry Date2/28/2021

Employer Details

Matthew J Cerchiai is employed by Tru Realty which is a Limited Liability and Matthew J Cerchiai is employed as Salesperson.

Employer Legal NameTru Realty, Llc
Employer DBA NameTru Realty
Employer TypeLimited Liability
Employed AsSalesperson
Employer License NumberLC637458000
Employer Contact Number(480) 236-0396

Co-workers of Matthew J Cerchiai

As per our records, there are 125 co-workers who are currently working with Matthew J Cerchiai at Tru Realty.

NameCredentialsLicense Number
Heather S. BinderBrokerBR507967000
Michael A PedenkoBrokerBR559232000
Sarah C RichardsonBrokerBR580923000
Jessica D NobleBrokerBR629547000
Elizabeth H ShapiroBrokerBR645907000
Cheryl Rose MalcolmBrokerBR646452000
Maha KapageridisBrokerBR652624000
Linda L YentschBrokerBR669615000
Barry Matthew NicholasBrokerBR676041000
Roger Alan BrevoortSalespersonSA031224000
Kim M ShuckSalespersonSA033363000
Ivan Sendoya RiosSalespersonSA104624000
Ray R JewellSalespersonSA505240000
William A HobaicaSalespersonSA509771000
Stephen S. PageSalespersonSA512003000
Greg Phillip JewettSalespersonSA513987000
Laura L JewettSalespersonSA525254000
Kirsten SnyderSalespersonSA539260000
Simon A KeySalespersonSA543284000
Sharon Ilene DespiritoSalespersonSA546594000
Rose M JapngieSalespersonSA558220000
David P BevanSalespersonSA558419000
Melanie L JohnstonSalespersonSA558724000
M. Ligia SimonSalespersonSA560224000
Melissa HoytSalespersonSA566031000
Kim P LamantiaSalespersonSA568595000
Jennifer M WeinbrennerSalespersonSA569212000
Hauns F PeterSalespersonSA575576000
Jonna Maribbay-santosSalespersonSA578652000
Edward Aaron Smith JrSalespersonSA586292000
Asher CohenSalespersonSA624836000
Lori HartmanSalespersonSA627394000
Shannon L QuagliataSalespersonSA627871000
Jacqueline T GelbrichtSalespersonSA629487000
Nicholas C DekeyserSalespersonSA642943000
Zachary Allen HimmelbergerSalespersonSA647585000
Tena S SterrittSalespersonSA648708000
Atasha TallieSalespersonSA651930000
Christopher Paul TalleySalespersonSA652904000
Jared HernandezSalespersonSA653979000
Jess C NobleSalespersonSA654164000
Austin MitchellSalespersonSA654824000
Alisa Marie AdamsSalespersonSA655148000
Sarmad S MattiSalespersonSA656652000
Wayne David HensonSalespersonSA657567000
Ronald Stanley CostelloSalespersonSA659383000
Connie Jean SanaSalespersonSA661129000
Chad FullerSalespersonSA661778000
Audrey K MyersSalespersonSA662025000
Erika M HansonSalespersonSA662193000
Mariah K SchulzSalespersonSA663970000

Address Location for Matthew J Cerchiai
Real Estate Salespersons in Scottsdale, AZ
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10601 N Hayden Rd, Ste I-100, Scottsdale, AZ 85260
(480) 443-7400
Christopher Michael Frank

8388 East Hartford Drive Ste 100, Scottsdale, AZ 85255
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Tucker Cahoon Geer

14635 N. Kierland Blvd Ste 160b, Scottsdale, AZ 85254
(480) 505-6300
Yvonne M Corrigan-carr

7975 N. Hayden Rd Suite C-100, Scottsdale, AZ 85258
(480) 951-1010
Mark G. Allen

7762 E. Gray Road, Suite 200, Scottsdale, AZ 85260
Jeffery Chesleigh

8388 East Hartford Drive Ste 100, Scottsdale, AZ 85255
(602) 230-7600