Craig Thomas Morasch - Real Estate Agent

7373 North Scottsdale Road, Suite A100, Scottsdale, Arizona, 85253
(480) 236-0396

Craig Thomas Morasch is a licensed real estate salesperson in the city of Scottsdale, Arizona. Craig Thomas Morasch has real estate license number SA684518000 which was issued by Arizona Real Estate Department on 3/14/2019. The current status of license is Active and it is valid till 3/31/2021. The official address of Craig Thomas Morasch is 7373 North Scottsdale Road, Suite A100, Scottsdale, Arizona, 85253 and the contact number is (480) 236-0396.

Craig Thomas Morasch (License No. SA684518000) is an employee of Tru Realty, a Limited Liability (license number LC637458000) and is working as Salesperson. Craig Thomas Morasch has a license type of Real Estate Salesperson which allows a real estate professional to perform services such as selling, buying, renting, auctioning, advertising of real estate properties, but only on behalf of a real estate broker (licensed broker who employs the sales agent). Licensed real estate professionals / entities are also commonly referred to as real estate agents or Realtors.

Realtor's Profile

Legal NameCraig Thomas Morasch
License NumberSA684518000
CredentialsReal Estate Salesperson
Complete Address7373 North Scottsdale Road, Suite A100,
Scottsdale, Arizona 85253
County NameMaricopa County
Phone Number(480) 236-0396
Fax Number(602)324-7590

Arizona Real Estate License

License NumberSA684518000
License TypeReal Estate Salesperson
License Status Active
License Issue Date3/14/2019
Latest Renewed Date3/27/2019
License Expiry Date3/31/2021

Employer Details

Craig Thomas Morasch is employed by Tru Realty which is a Limited Liability and Craig Thomas Morasch is employed as Salesperson.

Employer Legal NameTru Realty, Llc
Employer DBA NameTru Realty
Employer TypeLimited Liability
Employed AsSalesperson
Employer License NumberLC637458000
Employer Contact Number(480) 236-0396

Co-workers of Craig Thomas Morasch

As per our records, there are 125 co-workers who are currently working with Craig Thomas Morasch at Tru Realty.

NameCredentialsLicense Number
Heather S. BinderBrokerBR507967000
Michael A PedenkoBrokerBR559232000
Sarah C RichardsonBrokerBR580923000
Jessica D NobleBrokerBR629547000
Elizabeth H ShapiroBrokerBR645907000
Cheryl Rose MalcolmBrokerBR646452000
Maha KapageridisBrokerBR652624000
Linda L YentschBrokerBR669615000
Barry Matthew NicholasBrokerBR676041000
Roger Alan BrevoortSalespersonSA031224000
Kim M ShuckSalespersonSA033363000
Ivan Sendoya RiosSalespersonSA104624000
Ray R JewellSalespersonSA505240000
William A HobaicaSalespersonSA509771000
Stephen S. PageSalespersonSA512003000
Greg Phillip JewettSalespersonSA513987000
Laura L JewettSalespersonSA525254000
Kirsten SnyderSalespersonSA539260000
Simon A KeySalespersonSA543284000
Sharon Ilene DespiritoSalespersonSA546594000
Rose M JapngieSalespersonSA558220000
David P BevanSalespersonSA558419000
Melanie L JohnstonSalespersonSA558724000
M. Ligia SimonSalespersonSA560224000
Melissa HoytSalespersonSA566031000
Kim P LamantiaSalespersonSA568595000
Jennifer M WeinbrennerSalespersonSA569212000
Hauns F PeterSalespersonSA575576000
Jonna Maribbay-santosSalespersonSA578652000
Edward Aaron Smith JrSalespersonSA586292000
Asher CohenSalespersonSA624836000
Lori HartmanSalespersonSA627394000
Shannon L QuagliataSalespersonSA627871000
Jacqueline T GelbrichtSalespersonSA629487000
Nicholas C DekeyserSalespersonSA642943000
Zachary Allen HimmelbergerSalespersonSA647585000
Tena S SterrittSalespersonSA648708000
Atasha TallieSalespersonSA651930000
Christopher Paul TalleySalespersonSA652904000
Jared HernandezSalespersonSA653979000
Jess C NobleSalespersonSA654164000
Austin MitchellSalespersonSA654824000
Alisa Marie AdamsSalespersonSA655148000
Sarmad S MattiSalespersonSA656652000
Wayne David HensonSalespersonSA657567000
Ronald Stanley CostelloSalespersonSA659383000
Connie Jean SanaSalespersonSA661129000
Chad FullerSalespersonSA661778000
Audrey K MyersSalespersonSA662025000
Erika M HansonSalespersonSA662193000
Mariah K SchulzSalespersonSA663970000

Address Location for Craig Thomas Morasch
Real Estate Salespersons in Scottsdale, AZ
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8165 East Indian Bend Rd Ste 103, Scottsdale, AZ 85250
(480) 212-0750
Daniel Mcgillicuddy

8388 East Hartford Drive Ste 100, Scottsdale, AZ 85255
(602) 230-7600
Thomas E Beck

10601 N Hayden Rd, Ste I-100, Scottsdale, AZ 85260
(480) 443-7400
Christopher Michael Frank

8388 East Hartford Drive Ste 100, Scottsdale, AZ 85255
(602) 230-7600
Tucker Cahoon Geer

14635 N. Kierland Blvd Ste 160b, Scottsdale, AZ 85254
(480) 505-6300
Yvonne M Corrigan-carr

7975 N. Hayden Rd Suite C-100, Scottsdale, AZ 85258
(480) 951-1010
Mark G. Allen

7762 E. Gray Road, Suite 200, Scottsdale, AZ 85260
Jeffery Chesleigh

8388 East Hartford Drive Ste 100, Scottsdale, AZ 85255
(602) 230-7600