Ronald August Hertz is a licensed real estate salesperson in the city of Scottsdale, Arizona. Ronald August Hertz has real estate license number SA685289000 which was issued by Arizona Real Estate Department on 6/5/2019. The current status of license is Active and it is valid till 6/30/2021. The official address of Ronald August Hertz is 7221 E. Princess Blvd, Suite 117, Scottsdale, Arizona, 85255 and the contact number is (480) 291-1600.
Ronald August Hertz (License No. SA685289000) is an employee of Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage, a Branch, Liability (license number LC627335001) and is working as Salesperson. Ronald August Hertz has a license type of Real Estate Salesperson which allows a real estate professional to perform services such as selling, buying, renting, auctioning, advertising of real estate properties, but only on behalf of a real estate broker (licensed broker who employs the sales agent). Licensed real estate professionals / entities are also commonly referred to as real estate agents or Realtors.
Legal Name | Ronald August Hertz |
License Number | SA685289000 |
Credentials | Real Estate Salesperson |
Complete Address | 7221 E. Princess Blvd, Suite 117, Scottsdale, Arizona 85255 |
County Name | Maricopa County |
Phone Number | (480) 291-1600 |
Fax Number | (480) 429-1700 |
License Number | SA685289000 |
License Type | Real Estate Salesperson |
License Status | Active |
License Issue Date | 6/5/2019 |
Latest Renewed Date | 8/20/2019 |
License Expiry Date | 6/30/2021 |
Ronald August Hertz is employed by Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage which is a Branch, Liability and Ronald August Hertz is employed as Salesperson.
Employer Legal Name | Nrt Arizona Llc |
Employer DBA Name | Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage |
Employer Type | Branch, Liability |
Employed As | Salesperson |
Employer License Number | LC627335001 |
Employer Contact Number | (480) 291-1600 |
As per our records, there are 83 co-workers who are currently working with Ronald August Hertz at Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage.
Name | Credentials | License Number |
Sandra Shover Moses | Broker | BR032291000 |
Gerald E. Tulman | Broker | BR538899000 |
Lawrence''larry'' Ray Davis | Broker | BR542849000 |
Yukiko Tadano | Broker | BR561445000 |
Ward B Carr | Broker | BR656474000 |
Frank Edelman | Salesperson | SA020802000 |
Gini J Gubbins | Salesperson | SA022077000 |
Lou Carpenter | Salesperson | SA027191000 |
Enza Duda | Salesperson | SA033194000 |
James Philip Telich | Salesperson | SA059737000 |
Helen A Anderson | Salesperson | SA102483000 |
Cynthia L Buckhannon | Salesperson | SA105217000 |
Nancy L Dawson | Salesperson | SA520914000 |
Brian D Richards | Salesperson | SA539776000 |
Stacey L Mayes | Salesperson | SA540709000 |
Mary Ann Davis | Salesperson | SA540829000 |
Elaheh Rajai | Salesperson | SA541465000 |
Noralicia A Flores De Valdez | Salesperson | SA541832000 |
Mark J Friedman | Salesperson | SA547792000 |
Heather J Miller | Salesperson | SA548533000 |
Gary Holloway | Salesperson | SA549096000 |
Shawn Keane | Salesperson | SA552095000 |
Eric Linden | Salesperson | SA571074000 |
Margaret A Zukas | Salesperson | SA575924000 |
William Daniel Ciora | Salesperson | SA581248000 |
Dawn M Patterson | Salesperson | SA629034000 |
Mehmet Ali Ozer | Salesperson | SA629774000 |
Katherine L Hugen | Salesperson | SA630587000 |
Kerri L Schrand | Salesperson | SA631563000 |
W David Schrand | Salesperson | SA632537000 |
Kenneth Raymond Knight | Salesperson | SA633869000 |
Joel M Edwards | Salesperson | SA636666000 |
Sarah M Sakalauski | Salesperson | SA637792000 |
Claudia K King | Salesperson | SA642584000 |
Meridian Qalliaj | Salesperson | SA642979000 |
Jila Abokikhairi | Salesperson | SA643364000 |
Lori Ann Cedarstrom | Salesperson | SA644395000 |
Brenda Lee Miertschin | Salesperson | SA645560000 |
Ryan P Buckley | Salesperson | SA645787000 |
William A Festa | Salesperson | SA646009000 |
Nicholas A Kirschman | Salesperson | SA647544000 |
Eric G Cedarstrom | Salesperson | SA649454000 |
James Craig Kelly | Salesperson | SA652614000 |
Elana K. Nager | Salesperson | SA652693000 |
India Ryer | Salesperson | SA654736000 |
Tonya Myrina Pearson Gherbi | Salesperson | SA655662000 |
Linda Carol Campbell | Salesperson | SA656686000 |
Kevin Richard Downey | Salesperson | SA656979000 |
D. Lee Johnson | Salesperson | SA657035000 |
Ray Kathy Barkley | Salesperson | SA658836000 |
Danielle Marie Mcbride | Salesperson | SA660359000 |