Clay Bradford Evans - Real Estate Broker

Box 163, Cedar Ridge, California, 95924

Clay Bradford Evans is a licensed real estate broker in the city of Cedar Ridge, California. Clay Bradford Evans has real estate license number 00426805 which was issued by California Real Estate Department on 20 December, 2016. The current status of license is Licensed (Active) and it is valid till 19 December, 2020. The official mailing address of Clay Bradford Evans is Box 163, Cedar Ridge, California, 95924.

Clay Bradford Evans (License No. 00426805) works as a real estate broker and employs 1 salesperson as sales agent. Licensed real estate professionals / entities are also commonly referred to as real estate agents or Realtors.

Realtor's Profile

NameClay Bradford Evans
CredentialsReal Estate Broker
Complete AddressBox 163,
Cedar Ridge, California 95924
County Name & CodeNevada County (County Code: 29)

California Real Estate License

License Number00426805
License TypeReal Estate Broker
License Status Licensed (Active)
License Effective Date20 December, 2016
License Expiry Date19 December, 2020

Sales Agents for Clay Bradford Evans

As per our records, there is 1 real estate agent who is currently working for Clay Bradford Evans. Licensed sales agents in California can work only on behalf of licensed real estate broker or corporation.

Employee NameCredentialsLicense Number
Boots EvansSalesperson00824276

Address Location for Clay Bradford Evans
Real Estate Brokers in Cedar Ridge, CA
Robert Cesar Teora

Po Box 755, Cedar Ridge, CA 95924-0755
Salvatore Girard Giacinto

Po Box 1090, Cedar Ridge, CA 95924
Frank Harrison Slawson

P O Box 396, Cedar Ridge, CA 95924-0396
Dyan Denise Timmons

Po Box 68, Cedar Ridge, CA 95924
Jessica Burton

Po Box 1857, Cedar Ridge, CA 95924
Tarryn Joanne Knight

Po Box 1362, Cedar Ridge, CA 95924