Zabel Izabell Manukyan - Real Estate Agent

817 N Alexandria Ave, Los Angeles, California, 90029

Zabel Izabell Manukyan is a licensed real estate salesperson in the city of Los Angeles, California. Zabel Izabell Manukyan has real estate license number 01726552 which was issued by California Real Estate Department on 28 December, 2017. The current status of license is Licensed (Active) and it is valid till 27 December, 2021. The official mailing address of Zabel Izabell Manukyan is 817 N Alexandria Ave, Los Angeles, California, 90029.

Zabel Izabell Manukyan (License No. 01726552) is an employee of JohnHart Corp, a Real Estate Corporation (license number 01873088). Zabel Izabell Manukyan has a license type of Real Estate Salesperson which allows a real estate professional to perform services such as selling, buying, renting, auctioning, advertising of real estate properties, but only on behalf of a real estate broker (licensed broker who employs the sales agent). Licensed real estate professionals / entities are also commonly referred to as real estate agents or Realtors.

Realtor's Profile

NameZabel Izabell Manukyan
CredentialsReal Estate Salesperson
Complete Address817 N Alexandria Ave,
Los Angeles, California 90029
County Name & CodeLos Angeles County (County Code: 19)

California Real Estate License

License Number01726552
License TypeReal Estate Salesperson
License Status Licensed (Active)
License Effective Date28 December, 2017
License Expiry Date27 December, 2021

Employer Details

Real estate agents in California can only work on behalf of a licensed real estate broker or real estate company. The employer for Zabel Izabell Manukyan is JohnHart Corp (Real Estate Corporation).

EmployerJohnHart Corp
Employer TypeReal Estate Corporation
Employer License Number01873088
Employer Address330 N BRAND BLVD #130, GLENDALE, CA 91203

Co-workers for Zabel Izabell Manukyan

As per our records, there are 277 co-workers who are currently working with Zabel Izabell Manukyan.

NameCredentialsLicense Number
Luis Manuel AlvarezSalesperson00482006
Zaroohi GhazarianSalesperson00687535
Steven David ChapmanSalesperson00709607
Jani Sue EffresSalesperson00868886
Carmelo FerreiraSalesperson00909949
Roger Hamilton JarniganSalesperson00920665
John BacaSalesperson00973868
Andre PashaiSalesperson00988043
Aileen Pat SchutzerSalesperson00990737
Robert R MontanezSalesperson01002764
Shoshana KlimanSalesperson01002819
Mehrdad Mathew RahimzadehSalesperson01025452
Phil GarciaSalesperson01041136
Paul Robert HickeySalesperson01050056
Mina YasharelSalesperson01056205
Maria Esther GarciaSalesperson01067809
Marilyn Benji YounessiSalesperson01070486
Hagop Jack TopalianSalesperson01074348
Patricia Elesabeth BrunoSalesperson01091410
Hana IshakSalesperson01093446
Patricia Lourdez MendozaSalesperson01126304
Larry J FarisSalesperson01184576
Ute SchneiderSalesperson01213492
Roubina ZargarianSalesperson01235023
Morris M GhaneiSalesperson01236362
Linda OjedaSalesperson01240974
Catherine Jane BinamoSalesperson01241992
Victoria ArauSalesperson01242921
Arsen KobramasihiSalesperson01257621
Dan KobeissiSalesperson01260478
Jezell GhazanianSalesperson01261329
Janice Lynn MamoneSalesperson01264418
Christina Rene MarquezSalesperson01268163
Elaine N CromwellSalesperson01280783
Ken TumaniansSalesperson01293365
Richard Dean HallSalesperson01296008
Flavia Cecilia BaerSalesperson01298892
Jessica Denise SiegristSalesperson01301763
Anika MardianSalesperson01324775
Haik BokhchalianSalesperson01325511
Arvin BagdasaryanSalesperson01331404
Annie VartanianSalesperson01331682
Joanna E MenjivarSalesperson01337463
Cristina CapraSalesperson01340494
Michele Baca LopezSalesperson01340917
Cynthia Ann LesinskiSalesperson01343529
Armine Akcheian-LukaSalesperson01343546
Adina CismasSalesperson01345160
Rosa M PenaSalesperson01358662
Elizabeth AlvaradoSalesperson01358970
Jonathan Paul SwitzerSalesperson01359166

Address Location for Zabel Izabell Manukyan
Real Estate Salespersons in Los Angeles, CA
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2373 N Hobart Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90027
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5345 Verdun Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90043
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12123 Stanwood Dr, Los Angeles, CA 90066
Michael George

3535 Cahuenga Blvd West #204a, Los Angeles, CA 90068
William Arnold Kunody

835 Wooster St #207, Los Angeles, CA 90035
Marie Ann Simon

444 N. Sycamore Ave. #6, Los Angeles, CA 90036
Chela Hilda Kleiser

4352 Neosho Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90066
Judy Y Dionzon

3221 Lowry Rd, Los Angeles, CA 90027