Alex Hsiao She is a licensed real estate salesperson in the city of Artesia, California. Alex Hsiao She has real estate license number 01939853 which was issued by California Real Estate Department on 25 October, 2017. The current status of license is Licensed (Active) and it is valid till 24 October, 2021. The official mailing address of Alex Hsiao She is 18003 Horst Ave, Artesia, California, 90701.
Alex Hsiao She (License No. 01939853) is an employee of Highland Investment Group Inc, a Real Estate Corporation (license number 01889182). Alex Hsiao She has a license type of Real Estate Salesperson which allows a real estate professional to perform services such as selling, buying, renting, auctioning, advertising of real estate properties, but only on behalf of a real estate broker (licensed broker who employs the sales agent). Licensed real estate professionals / entities are also commonly referred to as real estate agents or Realtors.
Name | Alex Hsiao She |
Credentials | Real Estate Salesperson |
Complete Address | 18003 Horst Ave, Artesia, California 90701 |
County Name & Code | Los Angeles County (County Code: 19) |
License Number | 01939853 |
License Type | Real Estate Salesperson |
License Status | Licensed (Active) |
License Effective Date | 25 October, 2017 |
License Expiry Date | 24 October, 2021 |
Real estate agents in California can only work on behalf of a licensed real estate broker or real estate company. The employer for Alex Hsiao She is Highland Investment Group Inc (Real Estate Corporation).
Employer | Highland Investment Group Inc |
Employer Type | Real Estate Corporation |
Employer License Number | 01889182 |
Employer Address | 411 E HUNTINGTON DR STE 215, ARCADIA, CA 91006 |
As per our records, there are 116 co-workers who are currently working with Alex Hsiao She.
Name | Credentials | License Number |
Kuo Hsi Chiu | Salesperson | 00759612 |
Daniel Kinh Hung Lee | Salesperson | 00867951 |
Dolly Chen | Salesperson | 00875462 |
Mark Shan Chen | Salesperson | 00913569 |
Hai Chu Grigsby | Salesperson | 00956536 |
Grace Nuanfang Kuo | Salesperson | 01025209 |
Elaine Ying-Ling Lai | Salesperson | 01060503 |
Jasper Chun-Ping Lai | Salesperson | 01098217 |
Iris Su-Ying Chi | Salesperson | 01185653 |
Baoxiang Song | Salesperson | 01197225 |
Gong Xu | Salesperson | 01376955 |
Michael Chao | Salesperson | 01435544 |
Su Juan Kuang | Salesperson | 01470760 |
Tsui Cheng Tseng | Salesperson | 01479187 |
Shu Luen Mu | Salesperson | 01713580 |
Judith Kwock Gong | Salesperson | 01795926 |
Carol Tzu-Kuang Chien | Salesperson | 01856036 |
Arthur Z Huang | Salesperson | 01856494 |
Khim Siok Lim | Salesperson | 01862137 |
Vincent Lau | Salesperson | 01864141 |
Kevin Jiyun Su | Salesperson | 01868457 |
Ying Qing Jiang | Salesperson | 01870076 |
Frank HongFeng Yu | Salesperson | 01870657 |
Michael Koo | Salesperson | 01874572 |
Wayne Ye | Salesperson | 01874781 |
Chan Sheng Shyong | Salesperson | 01876663 |
Tong Wu | Salesperson | 01879193 |
Peter Phuoc Dao | Salesperson | 01880222 |
Christine Wang | Salesperson | 01882285 |
James Yu | Salesperson | 01883673 |
Di Chang | Salesperson | 01885464 |
Richard Wang | Salesperson | 01892707 |
Te-Hsiang Chang | Salesperson | 01893299 |
Hong Holly Zhu | Salesperson | 01894376 |
Joy Du | Salesperson | 01894683 |
Michelle Wang | Salesperson | 01903016 |
Max Thet Lin Hoo | Salesperson | 01903286 |
Ming Ju Zhang | Salesperson | 01906801 |
Lili Tong | Salesperson | 01909186 |
Min Xu | Salesperson | 01909734 |
Lisa Guan | Salesperson | 01912732 |
Dongqing Gu | Salesperson | 01919095 |
Haohang Li | Salesperson | 01919778 |
Sharon Win Wu | Salesperson | 01922614 |
Baiqing Ye | Salesperson | 01923345 |
Dorothy L Lee | Salesperson | 01927574 |
Jing Peng Hu | Salesperson | 01930199 |
Hong Zhou | Salesperson | 01935126 |
Xiao Xuan Yang | Salesperson | 01936672 |
Chia Sheng Wang | Salesperson | 01936882 |
Wun Yuk Kwan | Salesperson | 01938895 |