Marcus Reuben O'Bryant is a licensed real estate salesperson in the city of Los Angeles, California. Marcus Reuben O'Bryant has real estate license number 01944656 which was issued by California Real Estate Department on 19 December, 2018. The current status of license is Licensed (Active) and it is valid till 18 December, 2022. The official mailing address of Marcus Reuben O'Bryant is 610 S Main St #606, Los Angeles, California, 90014.
Marcus Reuben O'Bryant (License No. 01944656) is an employee of Pacific Union International Inc, a Real Estate Corporation (license number 01866771). Marcus Reuben O'Bryant has a license type of Real Estate Salesperson which allows a real estate professional to perform services such as selling, buying, renting, auctioning, advertising of real estate properties, but only on behalf of a real estate broker (licensed broker who employs the sales agent). Licensed real estate professionals / entities are also commonly referred to as real estate agents or Realtors.
Name | Marcus Reuben O'Bryant |
Credentials | Real Estate Salesperson |
Complete Address | 610 S Main St #606, Los Angeles, California 90014 |
County Name & Code | Los Angeles County (County Code: 19) |
License Number | 01944656 |
License Type | Real Estate Salesperson |
License Status | Licensed (Active) |
License Effective Date | 19 December, 2018 |
License Expiry Date | 18 December, 2022 |
Real estate agents in California can only work on behalf of a licensed real estate broker or real estate company. The employer for Marcus Reuben O'Bryant is Pacific Union International Inc (Real Estate Corporation).
Employer | Pacific Union International Inc |
Employer Type | Real Estate Corporation |
Employer License Number | 01866771 |
Employer Address | 1699 VAN NESS AVE, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94109 |
As per our records, there are 1542 co-workers who are currently working with Marcus Reuben O'Bryant.
Name | Credentials | License Number |
Nancy Loucretia Christiansen | Salesperson | 00365143 |
Michael Federle | Salesperson | 00399330 |
Nancy Ann Arrache | Salesperson | 00425126 |
Susan Madeleine Mc Bride | Salesperson | 00453832 |
Carol Ann Ellis | Salesperson | 00454530 |
Jane Hardle-Garassino | Salesperson | 00476056 |
Janet Mason Kiblinger | Salesperson | 00515398 |
Janis Sue Stone | Salesperson | 00517072 |
John Alfred Aaroe | Salesperson | 00518100 |
Cassandra Mixon Chastain | Salesperson | 00522319 |
Joan Marie Duffy | Salesperson | 00525687 |
Steven Daniel Zakula | Salesperson | 00548691 |
Diane M Verducci | Salesperson | 00551316 |
Marcylee Joyce Petrus | Salesperson | 00560449 |
Donna I Conroy | Salesperson | 00576798 |
Nicole Kohn | Salesperson | 00588638 |
Dennis Charles Harvey | Salesperson | 00597539 |
Steve Sawai | Salesperson | 00607215 |
Sharon Sue Bacigalupi | Salesperson | 00620790 |
Linda Carmen Ulrich | Salesperson | 00620852 |
Reva Tavelman | Salesperson | 00623957 |
Mary Driscoll Toboni | Salesperson | 00625243 |
Janet Robertson Williamson | Salesperson | 00628777 |
Barbara Jane Neiman | Salesperson | 00638638 |
Sundy A Brocco | Salesperson | 00640934 |
Roberta Elizabeth Willcutt | Salesperson | 00665680 |
Charles Stanford Pence | Salesperson | 00670728 |
Joanne Beatrice Stein | Salesperson | 00670886 |
Cheryl Lynn Knickerbocker | Salesperson | 00677091 |
Francine Rae Hughes-Reynolds | Salesperson | 00677431 |
Gary M Bernie | Salesperson | 00686144 |
Peggy Ann Whalen | Salesperson | 00686588 |
Patricia Ann Navone | Salesperson | 00686649 |
Virginia W Erck | Salesperson | 00695361 |
Afa Shafa | Salesperson | 00698396 |
Gael Patrice Grove | Salesperson | 00702158 |
Carla Ann Winnie | Salesperson | 00703299 |
Jane Richmond | Salesperson | 00709300 |
Robin Fox | Salesperson | 00710941 |
Christina Rosetti Mc Arthur | Salesperson | 00715121 |
Maureen Kennedy Mc Cormick | Salesperson | 00716084 |
Sally Paquette Crigler | Salesperson | 00744894 |
Zelda Gregg | Salesperson | 00766518 |
Joanne Kathleen Lindsay | Salesperson | 00768062 |
Leah L Steuer | Salesperson | 00771256 |
Kevin George Dielissen | Salesperson | 00772759 |
Linda Zimmerman | Salesperson | 00773477 |
Dorinne S Low | Salesperson | 00776295 |
Paul George Pekar | Salesperson | 00783762 |
Kathleen Rose Shatter | Salesperson | 00790603 |
Young-Sook Mathews | Salesperson | 00793539 |