Na Hyun Cho - Real Estate Agent

19140 Harnett St, Porter Ranch, California, 91326

Na Hyun Cho is a licensed real estate salesperson in the city of Porter Ranch, California. Na Hyun Cho has real estate license number 02006228 which was issued by California Real Estate Department on 10 May, 2016. The current status of license is Licensed (Active) and it is valid till 09 May, 2020. The official mailing address of Na Hyun Cho is 19140 Harnett St, Porter Ranch, California, 91326.

Na Hyun Cho (License No. 02006228) is an employee of TNG Real Estate Consultants Inc., a Real Estate Corporation (license number 01886242). Na Hyun Cho has a license type of Real Estate Salesperson which allows a real estate professional to perform services such as selling, buying, renting, auctioning, advertising of real estate properties, but only on behalf of a real estate broker (licensed broker who employs the sales agent). Licensed real estate professionals / entities are also commonly referred to as real estate agents or Realtors.

Realtor's Profile

NameNa Hyun Cho
CredentialsReal Estate Salesperson
Complete Address19140 Harnett St,
Porter Ranch, California 91326
County Name & CodeLos Angeles County (County Code: 19)

California Real Estate License

License Number02006228
License TypeReal Estate Salesperson
License Status Licensed (Active)
License Effective Date10 May, 2016
License Expiry Date09 May, 2020

Employer Details

Real estate agents in California can only work on behalf of a licensed real estate broker or real estate company. The employer for Na Hyun Cho is TNG Real Estate Consultants Inc. (Real Estate Corporation).

EmployerTNG Real Estate Consultants Inc.
Employer TypeReal Estate Corporation
Employer License Number01886242
Employer Address3000 E BIRCH ST STE 102, BREA, CA 92821

Co-workers for Na Hyun Cho

As per our records, there are 702 co-workers who are currently working with Na Hyun Cho.

NameCredentialsLicense Number
Joseph Anthony Regalado SrSalesperson00426196
Cyrilla Naomi BlueSalesperson00499334
Isolde Erika WoodSalesperson00545491
Jane Vivian DaileySalesperson00554147
Kathryn Sylvia KampmanSalesperson00557236
Robert James SamarinSalesperson00572793
Linda Jane BarbourSalesperson00606109
Marysol CamarenaSalesperson00608724
Roberta Jeanne OleshSalesperson00644598
Janet Louise LewisSalesperson00645743
Deanna Louise PasschierSalesperson00692148
Mary Jo FreemanSalesperson00695606
Sylvia Montante RomeroSalesperson00707934
Beverly Ann WilliamsSalesperson00773837
James William EhornSalesperson00774008
Susan Gay Mac DowellSalesperson00782293
Pansy Choi-Ping LawSalesperson00795276
Zorina P ReyesSalesperson00812027
Kathleen Jeanne FelixSalesperson00813999
Rita GoncharSalesperson00815246
Maria Del Carmen RuaSalesperson00831899
Sherri Lynne PattersonSalesperson00852863
Susanne Dolly WilliamsSalesperson00853664
Wayne KwongSalesperson00875878
Sonia Heather McCormickSalesperson00884149
Judy Kay DukeSalesperson00886371
Diane Jacqueline GilkensonSalesperson00897647
Sharlynn NagelSalesperson00911529
Cindy ShahSalesperson00922947
Michael Lea CooperSalesperson00923847
Ernesto Miguel DominguezSalesperson00927810
Mahendra F SolankiSalesperson00928004
Effat YoussefSalesperson00930208
Heidi BurnsSalesperson00931033
Glenn Arthur GilkensonSalesperson00934972
Nancy Jo CampauSalesperson00941308
Beba Pack LeeSalesperson00941324
Shoshana MandelSalesperson00941460
Dimitra Konstantinou KapogianisSalesperson00950684
Esther L VieraSalesperson00951327
Debra Lee SmethurstSalesperson00954923
Anita Louise PyrahSalesperson00955906
Nitinkumar ShahSalesperson00962267
Carla Ramsing LowingerSalesperson00967595
David Seungbum ChunSalesperson00971049
Frank Raymond FelixSalesperson00982747
Maria GonzalezSalesperson01001436
Valerie Jean Silva-MuirSalesperson01015975
Cindy Lee StickneySalesperson01016511
Sharon Sunin KimSalesperson01023742
Edward Caperina PascualSalesperson01025206

Address Location for Na Hyun Cho
Real Estate Salespersons in Porter Ranch, CA
Stephen Burleigh Giffen

20280 Sorrento Ln #205, Porter Ranch, CA 91326
David Lawrence Mills

20829 Piazza Way, Porter Ranch, CA 91326
Diane Sue MacLennan

19424 Cypress Point Dr, Porter Ranch, CA 91326
Richard Oakley Collins

11141 Tampa Avenue, Porter Ranch, CA 91326
Yolanda Lim Quiambao

10445 Plumtree Ln, Porter Ranch, CA 91326
Scott Alan Green

19741 Eagle Ridge Ln, Porter Ranch, CA 91326
Hasmig K Sinanian-Lopez

11712 Mariposa Bay Lane, Porter Ranch, CA 91326
Tho Yung Jung

20447 Paseo Altisse, Porter Ranch, CA 91326