Quentin Albert Gabriel Grellier is a licensed real estate salesperson in the city of Los Angeles, California. Quentin Albert Gabriel Grellier has real estate license number 02036808 which was issued by California Real Estate Department on 19 June, 2017. The current status of license is Licensed (Active) and it is valid till 18 June, 2021. The official mailing address of Quentin Albert Gabriel Grellier is 1742 Kent St, Los Angeles, California, 90026.
Quentin Albert Gabriel Grellier (License No. 02036808) is an employee of Compass California, Inc., a Real Estate Corporation (license number 01991628). Quentin Albert Gabriel Grellier has a license type of Real Estate Salesperson which allows a real estate professional to perform services such as selling, buying, renting, auctioning, advertising of real estate properties, but only on behalf of a real estate broker (licensed broker who employs the sales agent). Licensed real estate professionals / entities are also commonly referred to as real estate agents or Realtors.
Name | Quentin Albert Gabriel Grellier |
Credentials | Real Estate Salesperson |
Complete Address | 1742 Kent St, Los Angeles, California 90026 |
County Name & Code | Los Angeles County (County Code: 19) |
License Number | 02036808 |
License Type | Real Estate Salesperson |
License Status | Licensed (Active) |
License Effective Date | 19 June, 2017 |
License Expiry Date | 18 June, 2021 |
Real estate agents in California can only work on behalf of a licensed real estate broker or real estate company. The employer for Quentin Albert Gabriel Grellier is Compass California, Inc. (Real Estate Corporation).
Employer | Compass California, Inc. |
Employer Type | Real Estate Corporation |
Employer License Number | 01991628 |
Employer Address | 9454 WILSHIRE BLVD #100, BEVERLY HILLS, CA 90212 |
As per our records, there are 2060 co-workers who are currently working with Quentin Albert Gabriel Grellier.
Name | Credentials | License Number |
Maureen Jane White | Salesperson | 00430565 |
Beverly Jewell White | Salesperson | 00443516 |
John Anthony Moreno | Salesperson | 00546701 |
Bruce Arden | Salesperson | 00553408 |
Gregory Brian Schlitz | Salesperson | 00570664 |
Steven Benjamin Tipp | Salesperson | 00579319 |
Lois Ruth Hill | Salesperson | 00586495 |
Karen Lynn Greensweig | Salesperson | 00589339 |
Joseph Dwight Mears | Salesperson | 00591201 |
Sara Mc Gowan Hinman | Salesperson | 00596333 |
Sally Bromfield | Salesperson | 00598278 |
Craig Leonard Ratowsky | Salesperson | 00608046 |
Steven John Ferreira | Salesperson | 00631737 |
Inge Goericke-Bunn | Salesperson | 00641176 |
Stan Donald Richman | Salesperson | 00648514 |
Victoria Lynn Lee | Salesperson | 00664250 |
Harold John Nevin | Salesperson | 00667220 |
Francine Marie Silva | Salesperson | 00669239 |
Jay Harry Rubenstein | Salesperson | 00669867 |
Linda Anne Chang | Salesperson | 00698480 |
Gail B Pearl | Salesperson | 00712260 |
Joyce Gottlieb | Salesperson | 00772731 |
Sheelagh Agnes Thomas | Salesperson | 00774316 |
Judy Ann Frank | Salesperson | 00785405 |
Stephen Sigoloff | Salesperson | 00796067 |
Liz Johnson | Salesperson | 00803070 |
Sherry L Shriver | Salesperson | 00804683 |
Elaine Gayle Giannini | Salesperson | 00808662 |
Patricia Ruth Crowe | Salesperson | 00820283 |
Sharon Irene Mc Kinnon | Salesperson | 00828100 |
Mitchell Edward Morehart | Salesperson | 00828316 |
Gregory David Burnham | Salesperson | 00836150 |
Lynette G Bishop | Salesperson | 00837359 |
Jeffrey Scott Botsford | Salesperson | 00843748 |
Michael Charles Anderson | Salesperson | 00850095 |
Beverley Ann Johnson | Salesperson | 00864723 |
Kathleen Marie Evans | Salesperson | 00872108 |
Kathleen B Cartier | Salesperson | 00874556 |
Celia Sue Waggoner | Salesperson | 00875163 |
Georgia Thomas | Salesperson | 00878182 |
Marc Anthony Hernandez | Salesperson | 00882850 |
Jennifer Lise Field | Salesperson | 00884442 |
Lisa Loraine Chester | Salesperson | 00885802 |
Christopher Francis Avila | Salesperson | 00893971 |
Timothy George Dahl | Salesperson | 00894534 |
Jo Ann Rubino | Salesperson | 00895409 |
Janice Elnora Somers | Salesperson | 00899775 |
Linda Caro Lederer | Salesperson | 00900108 |
Christie Rae Kramer-LeVander | Salesperson | 00902753 |
Deborah Kernahan | Salesperson | 00909823 |
Brenda Lee McKenney | Salesperson | 00911159 |