Preston Victor Seth Gazowsky - Real Estate Agent

8401 Kirkwood Dr, Los Angeles, California, 90046

Preston Victor Seth Gazowsky is a licensed real estate salesperson in the city of Los Angeles, California. Preston Victor Seth Gazowsky has real estate license number 02041131 which was issued by California Real Estate Department on 24 July, 2017. The current status of license is Licensed (Active) and it is valid till 23 July, 2021. The official mailing address of Preston Victor Seth Gazowsky is 8401 Kirkwood Dr, Los Angeles, California, 90046.

Preston Victor Seth Gazowsky (License No. 02041131) is an employee of Hilton & Hyland Real Estate Inc, a Real Estate Corporation (license number 01160681). Preston Victor Seth Gazowsky has a license type of Real Estate Salesperson which allows a real estate professional to perform services such as selling, buying, renting, auctioning, advertising of real estate properties, but only on behalf of a real estate broker (licensed broker who employs the sales agent). Licensed real estate professionals / entities are also commonly referred to as real estate agents or Realtors.

Realtor's Profile

NamePreston Victor Seth Gazowsky
CredentialsReal Estate Salesperson
Complete Address8401 Kirkwood Dr,
Los Angeles, California 90046
County Name & CodeLos Angeles County (County Code: 19)

California Real Estate License

License Number02041131
License TypeReal Estate Salesperson
License Status Licensed (Active)
License Effective Date24 July, 2017
License Expiry Date23 July, 2021

Employer Details

Real estate agents in California can only work on behalf of a licensed real estate broker or real estate company. The employer for Preston Victor Seth Gazowsky is Hilton & Hyland Real Estate Inc (Real Estate Corporation).

EmployerHilton & Hyland Real Estate Inc
Employer TypeReal Estate Corporation
Employer License Number01160681
Employer Address257 N CANON DR, 2ND FLOOR, BEVERLY HILLS, CA 90210

Co-workers for Preston Victor Seth Gazowsky

As per our records, there are 155 co-workers who are currently working with Preston Victor Seth Gazowsky.

NameCredentialsLicense Number
Barbara Loretta DuskinSalesperson00522074
Steven Alan LevineSalesperson00560269
Averill Risa KromSalesperson00609352
Suzann BrentSalesperson00620787
Jane Fallek NathansonSalesperson00621839
Barbara RobinsonSalesperson00632913
Rita GoldsmithSalesperson00813539
Gary Wayne GoldSalesperson00813554
Barbara Helene TenenbaumSalesperson00823256
Brenda Chandler CookeSalesperson00845180
Laura Rosalyn KalbSalesperson00872948
Christopher Hugh MaraSalesperson00886282
Brett Matthew LawyerSalesperson00897489
Dimitri C VelisSalesperson00966698
Wayne C PridgenSalesperson00986121
Rodrigo Pablo IglesiasSalesperson00994039
David KramerSalesperson00996960
Ronald Jeffrey HiltonSalesperson01041783
Todd Adam SimonsSalesperson01057728
Trista Renee RullanSalesperson01067844
Jonah WilsonSalesperson01078809
Robby Joseph SuttonSalesperson01079743
Susan Kathleen SimmonsSalesperson01093286
Alla FurmanSalesperson01143901
Mindy Sue PetersSalesperson01147578
William John SimpsonSalesperson01176003
Chad Barrett RogersSalesperson01204144
Jamie B NugentSalesperson01214028
Kathy Ahmadian DouglasSalesperson01222534
Christy J HiltonSalesperson01239061
Stephen Bon ResnickSalesperson01241282
Beth Ann GreenSalesperson01247635
Judy Lee FederSalesperson01250325
Sally Christina ShimSalesperson01259258
Richard Joel MaslanSalesperson01304570
Gordon J MacGeachySalesperson01312979
Drew H FentonSalesperson01317962
Christopher David Fenn-AnstrutherSalesperson01334497
Marcie HartleySalesperson01358268
Shelly Elise HiddlesonSalesperson01365361
Nathan Lawrence LevySalesperson01374536
David Peter YocumSalesperson01375515
Justin Paul HuchelSalesperson01375793
Mia Carol TrudeauSalesperson01379660
Charles Neil Mc DermottSalesperson01385176
Chaya G W D Van EssenSalesperson01398928
Ladd Philip JacksonSalesperson01405651
Rory Kathleen DorseySalesperson01418947
Brooke Elizabeth KaufmanSalesperson01418984
Vanessa Isabel SandinSalesperson01432733
Eric E HassanSalesperson01435762

Address Location for Preston Victor Seth Gazowsky
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835 Wooster St #207, Los Angeles, CA 90035
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444 N. Sycamore Ave. #6, Los Angeles, CA 90036
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