Fernando Ruiz - Real Estate Agent

1856 Rodeo Rd, Los Angeles, California, 90018

Fernando Ruiz is a licensed real estate salesperson in the city of Los Angeles, California. Fernando Ruiz has real estate license number 02044859 which was issued by California Real Estate Department on 15 September, 2017. The current status of license is Licensed (Active) and it is valid till 14 September, 2021. The official mailing address of Fernando Ruiz is 1856 Rodeo Rd, Los Angeles, California, 90018.

Fernando Ruiz (License No. 02044859) is an employee of Marina Brokerage Partners, Inc., a Real Estate Corporation (license number 02004120). Fernando Ruiz has a license type of Real Estate Salesperson which allows a real estate professional to perform services such as selling, buying, renting, auctioning, advertising of real estate properties, but only on behalf of a real estate broker (licensed broker who employs the sales agent). Licensed real estate professionals / entities are also commonly referred to as real estate agents or Realtors.

Realtor's Profile

NameFernando Ruiz
CredentialsReal Estate Salesperson
Complete Address1856 Rodeo Rd,
Los Angeles, California 90018
County Name & CodeLos Angeles County (County Code: 19)

California Real Estate License

License Number02044859
License TypeReal Estate Salesperson
License Status Licensed (Active)
License Effective Date15 September, 2017
License Expiry Date14 September, 2021

Employer Details

Real estate agents in California can only work on behalf of a licensed real estate broker or real estate company. The employer for Fernando Ruiz is Marina Brokerage Partners, Inc. (Real Estate Corporation).

EmployerMarina Brokerage Partners, Inc.
Employer TypeReal Estate Corporation
Employer License Number02004120
Employer Address13274 FIJI WAY STE 100, MARINA DEL REY, CA 90292

Co-workers for Fernando Ruiz

As per our records, there are 172 co-workers who are currently working with Fernando Ruiz.

NameCredentialsLicense Number
Elizabeth Ann SextonSalesperson00874134
Debra Moore LangaigneSalesperson00902850
Joette Arnola GraySalesperson00920853
Yvette A MorganSalesperson00944586
Rick DerganSalesperson00972387
Kirk V ShahSalesperson00985296
Michelle Ann PineSalesperson01029804
Monica Lavette Isabell-RossSalesperson01056224
Joseph Harrison SoarisSalesperson01073001
Debra Joyce JonesSalesperson01088125
Cynthia Perez BrownSalesperson01137293
Betty Jean WilliamsSalesperson01175733
Kay Sandra OrlandoSalesperson01201179
Phyllis SamSalesperson01202744
Katherine Patrice HendersonSalesperson01206491
Terri Williams SundaySalesperson01211597
Mark Jay SalkinSalesperson01219580
Warren A ScruggsSalesperson01271288
Mark John WilliamsSalesperson01292481
Rebecca Michele Tarkington-WilliamsSalesperson01311559
Richard Thomas KisselSalesperson01336637
Sharon Joyce SideroffSalesperson01343374
Richard Michael ChernockSalesperson01369553
Richard Mark EpsteinSalesperson01371473
Gloria Verilyn Shelby-DyerSalesperson01372564
Martice C BrumfieldSalesperson01387300
Joseph I RhyuSalesperson01403003
Thomas MagiarSalesperson01403577
Vivian Eliza LesnySalesperson01409458
Georgia Melanie ZacharySalesperson01412838
Laurie WoolnerSalesperson01421544
Deniz AlpadaSalesperson01429510
Jesse WeinbergSalesperson01435805
Dee Jay HongSalesperson01457212
Hayam Asham NakhlaSalesperson01465888
Roya RashtiSalesperson01477466
Monica Renee CarterSalesperson01478148
Jonathan Agustin PrakashSalesperson01483131
Gabriela Isaura AraujoSalesperson01484334
Mallorie Renee BrownSalesperson01488346
Samantha H AllenSalesperson01499112
Kirstin Ann WillinghamSalesperson01512126
Zelda Francois AmbersSalesperson01705004
Billy J NicholsSalesperson01711976
Diane BrodaSalesperson01719491
Eg MahanSalesperson01719509
Janna JonesSalesperson01747148
Michelle MartinoSalesperson01749589
Carmen HugoSalesperson01776301
Angela Monique KingSalesperson01798664
Erwin Derrick VartanianSalesperson01816119

Address Location for Fernando Ruiz
Real Estate Salespersons in Los Angeles, CA
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2373 N Hobart Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90027
Lacey Kirk Oliver

5345 Verdun Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90043
Elsie Ilse Wynn

12123 Stanwood Dr, Los Angeles, CA 90066
Michael George

3535 Cahuenga Blvd West #204a, Los Angeles, CA 90068
William Arnold Kunody

835 Wooster St #207, Los Angeles, CA 90035
Marie Ann Simon

444 N. Sycamore Ave. #6, Los Angeles, CA 90036
Chela Hilda Kleiser

4352 Neosho Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90066
Judy Y Dionzon

3221 Lowry Rd, Los Angeles, CA 90027