Kalvin Li - Real Estate Agent

2238 Eastlake Ave, Los Angeles, California, 90031

Kalvin Li is a licensed real estate salesperson in the city of Los Angeles, California. Kalvin Li has real estate license number 02064940 which was issued by California Real Estate Department on 17 July, 2018. The current status of license is Licensed (Active) and it is valid till 16 July, 2022. The official mailing address of Kalvin Li is 2238 Eastlake Ave, Los Angeles, California, 90031.

Kalvin Li (License No. 02064940) is an employee of Star Max Universal, Inc., a Real Estate Corporation (license number 01929256). Kalvin Li has a license type of Real Estate Salesperson which allows a real estate professional to perform services such as selling, buying, renting, auctioning, advertising of real estate properties, but only on behalf of a real estate broker (licensed broker who employs the sales agent). Licensed real estate professionals / entities are also commonly referred to as real estate agents or Realtors.

Realtor's Profile

NameKalvin Li
CredentialsReal Estate Salesperson
Complete Address2238 Eastlake Ave,
Los Angeles, California 90031
County Name & CodeLos Angeles County (County Code: 19)

California Real Estate License

License Number02064940
License TypeReal Estate Salesperson
License Status Licensed (Active)
License Effective Date17 July, 2018
License Expiry Date16 July, 2022

Employer Details

Real estate agents in California can only work on behalf of a licensed real estate broker or real estate company. The employer for Kalvin Li is Star Max Universal, Inc. (Real Estate Corporation).

EmployerStar Max Universal, Inc.
Employer TypeReal Estate Corporation
Employer License Number01929256
Employer Address10681 E FOOTHILL BLVD STE 210, RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA 91730

Co-workers for Kalvin Li

As per our records, there are 91 co-workers who are currently working with Kalvin Li.

NameCredentialsLicense Number
Suzanna WannSalesperson01035233
Peter Fenglurn YarngSalesperson01084154
Jungtsan LeeSalesperson01140464
Maria A SerratoSalesperson01175889
Yusuf Abdur-RashidSalesperson01309249
Shao Hong ZhouSalesperson01342424
Barbara Jill Heskett-JohnsonSalesperson01389699
Haifeng XuSalesperson01431207
Wei WangSalesperson01456229
Franklin Cuong-Huu NguyenSalesperson01458552
Wendy Yea-Wen ChengSalesperson01461122
Marcos Guillermo ViverosSalesperson01461912
Yan LiSalesperson01471419
Deirdre Maureen PetersonSalesperson01501242
Peiyee Chiang TsaiSalesperson01503269
Fei He SharpSalesperson01778036
Stephanie LeiSalesperson01808570
Yiu Sang Tommy WongSalesperson01819881
Yuling LiSalesperson01835245
Jennifer LiuSalesperson01841441
Vicky W LiSalesperson01866949
Hwan Ming KuSalesperson01889365
Xiang LiSalesperson01910871
Dennis Arthur ClarkeSalesperson01911461
Ailing WangSalesperson01913533
Jean HsiungSalesperson01917543
Xiao Yan LiuSalesperson01934998
Che-hui ChenSalesperson01936009
Patricia Monica ChiSalesperson01941842
Min CaoSalesperson01946860
Michelle Qian LiuSalesperson01948731
Hsiu C TsengSalesperson01953618
Lu YangSalesperson01955075
Qingming ZengSalesperson01964490
Xiaoxia WangSalesperson01965240
Bill TianSalesperson01967312
Jie LiuSalesperson01970165
Bernice LeeSalesperson01974775
Ling Zhi ShenSalesperson01978678
Hongye YinSalesperson01978696
Zhengli YuSalesperson01979979
Wenjun WeiSalesperson01985139
Gerhard Jurgen MehldauSalesperson01988763
Fidel Natiola PaduaSalesperson01994144
Wilson GuanSalesperson01994442
Erica Hui-Yu ShuSalesperson01998834
Panqiao XuSalesperson02005561
Ming XiaSalesperson02008661
Danyi ZhaoSalesperson02011586
Michelle Muwen ZhangSalesperson02011591
Theresa TaoSalesperson02011612

Address Location for Kalvin Li
Real Estate Salespersons in Los Angeles, CA
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2373 N Hobart Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90027
Lacey Kirk Oliver

5345 Verdun Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90043
Elsie Ilse Wynn

12123 Stanwood Dr, Los Angeles, CA 90066
Michael George

3535 Cahuenga Blvd West #204a, Los Angeles, CA 90068
William Arnold Kunody

835 Wooster St #207, Los Angeles, CA 90035
Marie Ann Simon

444 N. Sycamore Ave. #6, Los Angeles, CA 90036
Chela Hilda Kleiser

4352 Neosho Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90066
Judy Y Dionzon

3221 Lowry Rd, Los Angeles, CA 90027