Courtney Chanel Weseman is a licensed real estate salesperson in the city of Long Beach, California. Courtney Chanel Weseman has real estate license number 02082043 which was issued by California Real Estate Department on 02 May, 2019. The current status of license is Licensed (Active) and it is valid till 01 May, 2023. The official mailing address of Courtney Chanel Weseman is 2883 E Spring Street, #100, Long Beach, California, 90806.
Courtney Chanel Weseman (License No. 02082043) is an employee of Judy Norman Sharp, a Real Estate Broker (license number 00838484). Courtney Chanel Weseman has a license type of Real Estate Salesperson which allows a real estate professional to perform services such as selling, buying, renting, auctioning, advertising of real estate properties, but only on behalf of a real estate broker (licensed broker who employs the sales agent). Licensed real estate professionals / entities are also commonly referred to as real estate agents or Realtors.
Name | Courtney Chanel Weseman |
Credentials | Real Estate Salesperson |
Complete Address | 2883 E Spring Street, #100, Long Beach, California 90806 |
County Name & Code | Los Angeles County (County Code: 19) |
License Number | 02082043 |
License Type | Real Estate Salesperson |
License Status | Licensed (Active) |
License Effective Date | 02 May, 2019 |
License Expiry Date | 01 May, 2023 |
Real estate agents in California can only work on behalf of a licensed real estate broker or real estate company. The employer for Courtney Chanel Weseman is Judy Norman Sharp (Real Estate Broker).
Employer | Judy Norman Sharp |
Employer Type | Real Estate Broker |
Employer License Number | 00838484 |
As per our records, there are 63 co-workers who are currently working with Courtney Chanel Weseman.
Name | Credentials | License Number |
Simona Lobl | Salesperson | 00909854 |
Rona McIntyre | Salesperson | 01134945 |
Michelle S Lee | Salesperson | 01137143 |
Alice Marie De Leon | Salesperson | 01200234 |
Penny M Hermansader | Salesperson | 01245028 |
Anita Teres Perez | Salesperson | 01280098 |
Zsa Zsa Fegan | Salesperson | 01321677 |
Charlotte Lamar Murray | Salesperson | 01332079 |
Catalina Lamas | Salesperson | 01466762 |
Gerardo Vela | Salesperson | 01501865 |
Linda Ann Lund | Salesperson | 01721701 |
Anita Jean Ward Wagner | Salesperson | 01726520 |
Heather Katherin Flaherty | Salesperson | 01748261 |
Krista Zaloudek | Salesperson | 01824077 |
Megan C Winchell | Salesperson | 01824350 |
Lorraine Ryuko Fukuwa | Salesperson | 01833123 |
Noel Elena Hernandez | Salesperson | 01843804 |
Kristen Lauren Fish | Salesperson | 01854110 |
Guadalupe Navarrete | Salesperson | 01859748 |
Corinne Renee Ramos | Salesperson | 01878754 |
Joseph Ambrose Narvaez Jr | Salesperson | 01887323 |
David Jacob Gendel | Salesperson | 01896281 |
Matthew Timothy Swift | Salesperson | 01905670 |
Jay Ira Renkowitz | Salesperson | 01929671 |
Marcos Rodolfo Avalos | Salesperson | 01943023 |
Rebecca Rodriguez | Salesperson | 01951101 |
David John Lopez | Salesperson | 01953285 |
Anderson Real Estate Group, Inc. | Corporation | 01967292 |
Rene Cervantes | Salesperson | 01974348 |
Araceli Nario Cruz | Salesperson | 01976450 |
Gilbert Darrel Hitchens | Salesperson | 01991180 |
Mindy Phung Hyland | Salesperson | 01992307 |
Nastassja Velasquez | Salesperson | 01994559 |
Muhammad B Gazi | Salesperson | 01994933 |
Christopher John Hand | Salesperson | 02008221 |
Megan Alexsevna Caddy | Salesperson | 02012860 |
Alexandra Leighann McGriff | Salesperson | 02013731 |
Deborah Suzanne Haas | Salesperson | 02014127 |
Andrew Quintero | Salesperson | 02016800 |
James Alexander Krise | Salesperson | 02017468 |
Kimberly Mak | Salesperson | 02019245 |
Ulises Carbajal | Salesperson | 02024453 |
Rebecca Kheang | Salesperson | 02026632 |
Matthew Lawrence Rice | Salesperson | 02030058 |
Amy Jackeline Ramirez | Salesperson | 02031678 |
Amy Osterbeck | Salesperson | 02032858 |
Millicent Ernestina Wright | Salesperson | 02033290 |
Cameron David Smith | Salesperson | 02035725 |
Lara Maria Ronquillo Tiglao | Salesperson | 02036547 |
Aubrey Christopher Myers Jr | Salesperson | 02038053 |
Arran Francis Amorozo | Salesperson | 02038313 |