Lolita Reynoso - Real Estate Agent

7308 W 89th Street, Los Angeles, California, 90045

Lolita Reynoso is a licensed real estate salesperson in the city of Los Angeles, California. Lolita Reynoso has real estate license number 02085030 which was issued by California Real Estate Department on 26 April, 2019. The current status of license is Licensed (Active) and it is valid till 25 April, 2023. The official mailing address of Lolita Reynoso is 7308 W 89th Street, Los Angeles, California, 90045.

Lolita Reynoso (License No. 02085030) is an employee of Forward Inglewood, Inc., a Real Estate Corporation (license number 02035381). Lolita Reynoso has a license type of Real Estate Salesperson which allows a real estate professional to perform services such as selling, buying, renting, auctioning, advertising of real estate properties, but only on behalf of a real estate broker (licensed broker who employs the sales agent). Licensed real estate professionals / entities are also commonly referred to as real estate agents or Realtors.

Realtor's Profile

NameLolita Reynoso
CredentialsReal Estate Salesperson
Complete Address7308 W 89th Street,
Los Angeles, California 90045
County Name & CodeLos Angeles County (County Code: 19)

California Real Estate License

License Number02085030
License TypeReal Estate Salesperson
License Status Licensed (Active)
License Effective Date26 April, 2019
License Expiry Date25 April, 2023

Employer Details

Real estate agents in California can only work on behalf of a licensed real estate broker or real estate company. The employer for Lolita Reynoso is Forward Inglewood, Inc. (Real Estate Corporation).

EmployerForward Inglewood, Inc.
Employer TypeReal Estate Corporation
Employer License Number02035381
Employer Address111 N LA BREA AVE 5TH FLR, INGLEWOOD, CA 90301

Co-workers for Lolita Reynoso

As per our records, there are 68 co-workers who are currently working with Lolita Reynoso.

NameCredentialsLicense Number
Gwendolyn Naomi FlowersSalesperson00685855
Bernard Ismail ArafatSalesperson00803768
Herbert Earlando DonesSalesperson00843769
Demetrice HaynesSalesperson00961581
Scott Paul AndersonSalesperson01065461
Gary James ReavisSalesperson01218693
Ralph Leon DavisSalesperson01233282
Cameron StearnsSalesperson01269135
Valerie Valentine-WilliamsSalesperson01296952
Sondra D QuirozSalesperson01345532
Walter D RichardsSalesperson01363023
Beverly Joyce MooreSalesperson01389036
Kelli Monique DunlapSalesperson01438059
William Edward Yarbro JrSalesperson01441649
Lance David WhitakerSalesperson01442161
Monique ShiversSalesperson01479779
Heather Lee PreshaSalesperson01493661
Michael DeVon GrossSalesperson01510354
John Arthur BrentonSalesperson01730658
Takeesha Lashawn AdkinsSalesperson01784753
Omar Christopher EdwardsSalesperson01785296
Aldo MagliozziSalesperson01816827
Juan Ladell MichaelSalesperson01830409
Lora D Samuels AbbottSalesperson01832977
Ra-Son TheusSalesperson01843711
Annette YoungSalesperson01857068
Daniel OvertonSalesperson01888722
Etasha Astasia GraySalesperson01895120
Caryn Mahogany RhodesSalesperson01944220
Kevin Ruben LacySalesperson01951578
Lauren McMillanSalesperson01953016
Lance StubbsSalesperson01960140
Miles D PreshaSalesperson01962476
Electra DavisSalesperson01977978
George FurmanSalesperson02000520
Charles Patrick BowlesSalesperson02002102
Lorica Nicole YatesSalesperson02005985
Chalonda JacksonSalesperson02016220
Hollie C FreySalesperson02016257
Tracey L JacksonSalesperson02018933
Taelor Ihsan BakewellSalesperson02018939
Rosalind KelleySalesperson02019441
Jennifer Maria JacksonSalesperson02019740
Nicole L GrantSalesperson02020204
Jacklynn Chafawn HarrisSalesperson02020232
Hamid NejadSalesperson02020499
Adrienne Ariel MaeweatherSalesperson02030668
Roosevelt Yates JrSalesperson02032892
Brenda Joyce ChamblissSalesperson02040972
Bryant Alexander VargasSalesperson02042183
Michelle Adrianne SingermanSalesperson02042983

Address Location for Lolita Reynoso
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3535 Cahuenga Blvd West #204a, Los Angeles, CA 90068
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835 Wooster St #207, Los Angeles, CA 90035
Marie Ann Simon

444 N. Sycamore Ave. #6, Los Angeles, CA 90036
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3221 Lowry Rd, Los Angeles, CA 90027