Camelot Properties Referral Group Llc

Realty Company

23245 Oak Prairie Circle, Sorrento, Florida, 32776

Camelot Properties Referral Group Llc is a licensed real estate corporation in Sorrento, Florida and has a total experience of 10 years in real estate business. Licensed real estate professionals / entities are also commonly referred to as real estate agents or Realtors. The real estate license number 1049896 was issued to Camelot Properties Referral Group Llc on 13 November, 2015. The status of license is Current (Active) and address listed on Camelot Properties Referral Group Llc's license document is 23245 Oak Prairie Circle, Sorrento, Florida, 32776. The license is effective from 13 November, 2015 and will expire on 31 March, 2022.

Camelot Properties Referral Group Llc has a license type of Real Estate Corporation which allows a real estate professional or entity to perform services such as selling, buying, renting, auctioning, advertising of real estate properties for compensation commonly in the form of commission or brokerage which is generally negotiable.

Realtor's Profile

NameCamelot Properties Referral Group Llc
CredentialsReal Estate Corporation
Experience10 yrs
Contact Address23245 Oak Prairie Circle, Sorrento, Florida, 32776
Florida License Number1049896
Alternate License NumberCQ1049896
CountyLake county

License Status

Real Estate License CQ1049896 (Real Estate Corporation)
License Primary StatusCurrent - The licensee is up to date with respect to the department's requirements for licensure
License Secondary StatusActive - The licensee is allowed to operate under the associated license
License Issued On13 November, 2015
License In Use From13 November, 2015
License Valid Upto31 March, 2022

Employees of Camelot Properties Referral Group Llc

As per our records, there are 22 real estate agents who are currently working for Camelot Properties Referral Group Llc.
Employee NameCredentialsExperienceLicense Number
Dallinga, Phyllis BBroker Associate47 yrs144188
Gilbert, Paula JeanSales Associate22 yrs3048614
Snyder, DianSales Associate20 yrs3115538
Trecek, Tanya MarieSales Associate20 yrs3122756
Collard, Paul DSales Associate19 yrs3168988
Ross, Terry LynnSales Associate16 yrs3227621
Williams, Jamie KaySales Associate14 yrs3247368
Hawkins, Lauren RSales Associate13 yrs3266406
Hutto, Joseph WilsonSales Associate10 yrs3316430
Levy, Karen SueBroker10 yrs3341040
Liu, XiaoyaSales Associate9 yrs3366594
Morris, Sharon KilgoreSales Associate8 yrs3389547
Crosby, MattieSales Associate7 yrs3410887
Branch, Susan KaySales Associate7 yrs3426571
Jacobs, Clinton HarrisSales Associate7 yrs3428377
Ehlers, KathleenBroker Associate27 yrs378908
Van Bibber, David Wayne PaSales Associate44 yrs379511
Miller, Gary PaulSales Associate39 yrs486769
Swanton, Juanita LolitaSales Associate33 yrs590459
Boekema, Randall EugeneSales Associate31 yrs607960
Smith, Harold JesseSales Associate29 yrs645063
Arnold, Linda LouiseSales Associate26 yrs672159

Address Location for Camelot Properties Referral Group Llc
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