Ravenel, Eugene

Real Estate Broker

6520 Baybrooks Circle, Temple Terrace, Florida, 33617

Eugene Ravenel is a licensed real estate broker in Temple Terrace, Florida and has a total experience of 38 years in real estate business. Licensed real estate professionals / entities are also commonly referred to as real estate agents or Realtors. The real estate license number 451213 was issued to Ravenel, Eugene on 07 December, 1987. The status of license is Current (Active) and address listed on Eugene Ravenel's license document is 6520 Baybrooks Circle, Temple Terrace, Florida, 33617. The license is effective from 21 April, 2016 and will expire on 30 September, 2021.

Ravenel, Eugene has a license type of Real Estate Broker which allows a real estate professional or entity to perform services such as selling, buying, renting, auctioning, advertising of real estate properties for compensation commonly in the form of commission or brokerage which is generally negotiable. Eugene Ravenel is a sole proprietor and the proprietorship name is RAVENEL, EUGENE.

Realtor's Profile

NameRavenel, Eugene
Doing Business AsRavenel Realty
CredentialsReal Estate Broker
Experience38 yrs
Contact Address6520 Baybrooks Circle, Temple Terrace, Florida, 33617
Florida License Number451213
Alternate License NumberBK451213
CountyHillsborough county

License Status

Real Estate License BK451213 (Real Estate Broker)
License Primary StatusCurrent - The licensee is up to date with respect to the department's requirements for licensure
License Secondary StatusActive - The licensee is allowed to operate under the associated license
License Issued On07 December, 1987
License In Use From21 April, 2016
License Valid Upto30 September, 2021

Continuing Education

Real estate license needs to be renewed every 2 years. For first renewal, a broker needs to complete 60 hours of post-license education and for all subsequent renewals, need to complete 14 hrs of continuing education.

Course NameCourse NumberCredit HoursCourse End Date
Enhancing Student Learning0020935408/10/2019
Form Simplicity0015258305/24/2016
Dre-instructor Seminar0012279709/23/2015
Dre-instructor Seminar0012279706/15/2017
(distance) Ce For Fl Re Professionals00067921406/15/2017
(correspondence) Continuing Education00197111405/16/2019

Employees of Eugene Ravenel

As per our records, there are 12 real estate agents who are currently working for Eugene Ravenel.
Employee NameCredentialsExperienceLicense Number
Stewart, Tarron DaleSales Associate10 yrs3335937
Mitchell Young, Skyra MichelleSales Associate9 yrs3374814
Ravenel, ErinSales Associate8 yrs3389571
Bulmer, FrankyeSales Associate8 yrs3395516
Sellers, Donna JeanSales Associate7 yrs3418283
Caldwell, ChadSales Associate7 yrs3425088
Kiriisa, HopeSales Associate7 yrs3427871
Fullwood, Angela PSales Associate6 yrs3433485
Mark, Thomas LeeSales Associate6 yrs3436242
Gordon, Harriett JamesSales Associate6 yrs3436461
Christie, Antwuane LamarSales Associate6 yrs3449946
Perkins, Walter IvSales Associate6 yrs3450379

Address Location for Eugene Ravenel
Real Estate Brokers in Temple Terrace, FL
Joseph G Grace

Real Estate Broker
11103 Richlyne Street, Temple Terrace, FL 33617-3019
Robert L Piccirilli

Real Estate Broker
11007 N. 56th Street, Suite 204, Temple Terrace, FL 33617
Raul Roque

Real Estate Broker
314 Inverness Avenue, Temple Terrace, FL 33617
Jeanne F Zylstra

Real Estate Broker
806 Bellemeade Ave, Temple Terrace, FL 33617
Patrick D Keefe

Real Estate Broker
6704 Mid Place, Temple Terrace, FL 33617
Wanda F Sexton

Real Estate Broker
6604 Heatherton Court, Temple Terrace, FL 33617
Terry D Baker

Real Estate Broker
9215 Hollyridge Place, Temple Terrace, FL 33637
Stanley H Jackson

Real Estate Broker
P O Box 290624, Temple Terrace, FL 33687