Jung Sook Bae

Real Estate Agent

28722 Wallaman Falls Lane, Katy, Texas,

Jung Sook Bae is a licensed real estate sales agent in Katy, Texas and has a total experience of 14 years in real estate business. The real estate license number 615861 was issued by TREC to Jung Sook Bae on 24 September, 2011. The current status of license is Current and Active and address listed on Jung Sook Bae's license document is 28722 Wallaman Falls Lane, Katy, Texas, . The license will expire on 30 September, 2022. You can reach out to Jung Sook Bae via phone number 713-933-7640.

Jung Sook Bae has a license type of Real Estate Sales Agent which allows a real estate professional to perform services such as selling, buying, renting, auctioning, advertising of real estate properties, but only on behalf of a real estate broker (licensed broker who sponsers the sales agent). Jung Sook Bae is sponsored/employed by Joe Rothchild Realty Two, Llc, a Real Estate Broker LLC (real estate license no. 9004054). Licensed real estate professionals / entities are also commonly referred to as real estate agents or Realtors.

Realtor's Profile

NameJung Sook Bae
CredentialsReal Estate Sales Agent
Experience14 yrs
Complete Address28722 Wallaman Falls Lane, Katy, Texas,
Mailing Address28722 Wallaman Falls Lane, Katy, Texas, 77494
Phone Number713-933-7640
Email Addressjoannejsb @ gmail . com

Texas Real Estate License

License Number615861
License TypeReal Estate Sales Agent
License Status Current and Active
License Issue Date24 September, 2011
License Expiry Date30 September, 2022
Continuing Education (MCE) StatusNon-elective CE Requirements Outstanding

Sponsoring Broker Details

Real estate agents in Texas can work only on behalf of a licensed real estate broker. The sponsoring broker for Jung Sook Bae is Joe Rothchild Realty Two, Llc (Real Estate Broker LLC).

Sponsoring Broker / EmployerJoe Rothchild Realty Two, Llc
Sponsor TypeReal Estate Broker LLC
Sponsoring Broker License Number9004054

Continuing Education

Real estate license needs to be renewed every 2 years. Sales Agents and Brokers need to complete atleast 18 hours of Continuing Education to become eligible for renewal. Jung Sook Bae has successfully completed following courses as part of qualifying and continuing education.

Course Name (course number)Course ProviderCourse End DateHours
Understanding Mold (37747)Ken Rychlik2020-08-062
Credit 101 For Realtors (36451)Ken Rychlik2020-08-061
Matrix Overview Part 2 - Customization (38158)Houston Association of REALTORS2020-04-223
Platimum Essentials: Tools to Enhance Your Real Estate Business (38799)Houston Association of REALTORS2020-04-023
Legal Update II (2020-2021) (37797)Catherine Connors2020-02-184
Using Matrix 360 for Client Prospecting (37281)First American Title Insurance Company2020-02-043
5 Practices for a Healthy Real Estate Business (38361)Kathryn C Wheat School of Real Estate2020-01-222
Legal Update I (2020-2021) (37796)Catherine Connors2020-01-214
Understanding Ad Valorem Real Estate Taxes (33336)Old Republic National Title Insurance Company2019-09-251
Home Insurance...Flooded with Questions? (37038)Kathryn C Wheat School of Real Estate2019-07-292
Credit Education for RealTORS (35267)Rising Point Solutions2019-04-242
CMA's Made Easy (34156)Kathryn C Wheat School of Real Estate2018-07-253
Realist Tax (29844)Houston Association of REALTORS2017-09-112
Matrix Overview (31761)Houston Association of REALTORS2017-08-144
Legal Update II (29623)Lloyd Hampton Real Estate Education2017-06-284
Legal Update I (29622)Real Estate School of Texas2017-06-124
Matrix Overview (31761)Houston Association of REALTORS2017-02-174
Mobile MLS (29993)Houston Association of REALTORS2017-01-172
Legal Update II (29623)Rollyn's Real Estate School2016-02-164
Legal Update I (29622)Rollyn's Real Estate School2016-02-124
A Real World Guide to Real Estate Networking! (26721)Rollyn's Real Estate School2016-02-123
Staged 2 Sell (28863)Rollyn's Real Estate School2016-02-113
Pinterest for Realtors (26857)Chicago Title of Texas, LLC2015-05-132
Foundation Repairs: How to Avoid Closing Pitfalls While Gaining (26993)Thomas M Kidd2015-05-063
iPad Course 2 - Creating a Real Estate Mobile Office (26372)First American Title Insurance Company2015-02-193
TERMITES 101 (26306)Real Trainers2015-02-111
SURVIVING THE INSPECTION PROCESS (26305)Real Trainers2015-02-111
TREC Ethics MCE (26393)Champions School of Real Estate, LTD2014-07-283
TREC Legal Update MCE (26392)Champions School of Real Estate, LTD2014-07-283
Appraisal of 2-4 Family & Multi-Family Properties (22471)Champions School of Real Estate, LTD2014-07-287
Appraisal of 2-4 Family & Multi-Family Properties (22471)Champions School of Real Estate, LTD2014-07-287
Realist Tax (26454)Houston Association of REALTORS2014-05-222
NEGOTIATING REAL ESTATE - TEXAS STYLE (24281)Lloyd Hampton Real Estate Education2014-04-213
COMMERCIAL LEASING 101 (25017)NTR Texas2014-04-103
COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE FOR THE RESIDENTIAL AGENT (24842)Lloyd Hampton Real Estate Education2013-07-083
FUSION BASIC (23708)Houston Association of REALTORS2013-04-223
Tempo Basic (23137)Houston Association of REALTORS2013-04-223
"THE NOT SO SECRETS OF REAL ESTATE SUCCESS" (22936)MCE Quest Productions2012-10-243
FUSION ADVANCED (24059)Houston Association of REALTORS2012-08-033
FUSION BASIC (23708)Houston Association of REALTORS2012-08-033
eEDGE - THAT WAS EASY! (24097)MTritt Inc.2012-06-273
CMA - PRICE IT RIGHT (17651)Houston Association of REALTORS2012-04-232
TREC Legal Update MCE (23555)Benchmark MCE2012-03-133
FUSION BASIC (23708)Houston Association of REALTORS2012-03-073
CMA - PRICE IT RIGHT (17651)Houston Association of REALTORS2012-02-292
Free HAR Tools for the Real Estate Agent (22673)Houston Association of REALTORS2012-02-223
ZIPFORM 6 ELITE (23055)Texas REALTORS2012-02-063
Marketing III (513)Lone Star College Tomball2011-12-0830
RE MKT-BUSINESS BROKERAGE (531)Lone Star College Tomball2011-12-0630
LAW OF AGENCY (1111)Lone Star College Tomball2011-08-1130
PRINCIPLES OF REAL ESTATE I (111)Lone Star College Tomball2011-08-0930
REAL ESTATE FINANCE I (411)Lone Star College Tomball2011-08-0430
LAW OF CONTRACTS (1200)Lone Star College Tomball2011-07-2830
Principles of Real Estate II (112)Lone Star College Tomball2011-07-2630

Address Location for Jung Sook Bae
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