Patricia Boyles

Real Estate Agent

8977 Steeplechase Pkwy, Waller, Texas,

Patricia Boyles is a licensed real estate sales agent in Waller, Texas and has a total experience of 11 years in real estate business. The real estate license number 649818 was issued by TREC to Patricia Boyles on 22 December, 2014. The current status of license is Current and Active and address listed on Patricia Boyles's license document is 8977 Steeplechase Pkwy, Waller, Texas, . The license will expire on 31 December, 2020. You can reach out to Patricia Boyles via phone number 713-882-8901. Patricia Boyles is designated as a supervisor by the sponsoring broker to supervise other sales agents on his behalf.

Patricia Boyles has a license type of Real Estate Sales Agent which allows a real estate professional to perform services such as selling, buying, renting, auctioning, advertising of real estate properties, but only on behalf of a real estate broker (licensed broker who sponsers the sales agent). Patricia Boyles is sponsored/employed by Christophers Boyles, Llc, a Real Estate Broker LLC (real estate license no. 9003305). Licensed real estate professionals / entities are also commonly referred to as real estate agents or Realtors.

Realtor's Profile

NamePatricia Boyles
CredentialsReal Estate Sales Agent
Experience11 yrs
Complete Address8977 Steeplechase Pkwy, Waller, Texas,
Mailing Address8977 Steeplechase Pkwy, Waller, Texas, 77484
Phone Number713-882-8901
Email Addresspattie @ cbhouston . net

Texas Real Estate License

License Number649818
License TypeReal Estate Sales Agent
License Status Current and Active
License Issue Date22 December, 2014
License Expiry Date31 December, 2020
Continuing Education (MCE) StatusNon-elective CE Requirements Outstanding

Sponsoring Broker Details

Real estate agents in Texas can work only on behalf of a licensed real estate broker. The sponsoring broker for Patricia Boyles is Christophers Boyles, Llc (Real Estate Broker LLC).

Sponsoring Broker / EmployerChristophers Boyles, Llc
Sponsor TypeReal Estate Broker LLC
Sponsoring Broker License Number9003305

Continuing Education

Real estate license needs to be renewed every 2 years. Sales Agents and Brokers need to complete atleast 18 hours of Continuing Education to become eligible for renewal. Patricia Boyles has successfully completed following courses as part of qualifying and continuing education.

Course Name (course number)Course ProviderCourse End DateHours
Legal Update I (2020-2021) (37796)Texas REALTORS2020-07-094
Legal Update II (2018-2019) (33198)Texas REALTORS2019-05-234
Legal Update I (2018-2019) (33197)Texas REALTORS2019-05-234
Texas Negotiation Law (33590)Houston Association of REALTORS2018-05-254
Broker Responsibility Course (31450)Texas REALTORS2018-03-236
Legal Update II (29623)Texas REALTORS2017-11-154
Legal Update I (29622)Texas REALTORS2017-11-154
Legal Update II (29623)Texas REALTORS2017-11-084
Legal Update I (29622)Texas REALTORS2017-11-084
Matrix Overview (31761)Houston Association of REALTORS2017-06-304
Having Commitment Issues? (30130)Frontier Title2017-04-041
REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS I (911)Midwestern State University2016-09-2030
REAL ESTATE APPRAISAL I (211)Midwestern State University2016-09-1930
PROPERTY MANAGEMENT I (811)Midwestern State University2016-09-1630
Legal Update II (29623)Midwestern State University2016-09-124
Legal Update I (29622)Midwestern State University2016-09-114
HAR Tools to Enhance Your Real Estate Business (30607)Houston Association of REALTORS2016-08-023
TREC Ethics MCE (26393)Benchmark MCE2015-12-033
Residential Sales Contract 2014-2016 (27255)Benchmark MCE2015-11-053
TREC Legal Update MCE (26392)Benchmark MCE2015-11-053
TEMPO BASIC (25549)Houston Association of REALTORS2015-03-113
TEMPO ADVANCED (25548)Houston Association of REALTORS2015-03-113
LLOYD'S NEGOTIATING THE TREC 1-4 FAMILY CONTRACT (27943)Lloyd Hampton Real Estate Education2015-02-233
CMA Price if Right - Fusion (28232)Houston Association of REALTORS2015-02-122
Fusion Advanced (26761)Houston Association of REALTORS2015-02-123
Realist Tax (26454)Houston Association of REALTORS2015-01-292
FUSION BASIC (26107)Houston Association of REALTORS2015-01-213

Address Location for Patricia Boyles
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