Sonia Molina Rodriguez

Real Estate Agent

2000 Central Texas Expwy, Killeen, Texas, 76541

Sonia Molina Rodriguez is a licensed real estate sales agent in Killeen, Texas and has a total experience of 10 years in real estate business. The real estate license number 664517 was issued by TREC to Sonia Molina Rodriguez on 02 December, 2015. The current status of license is Current and Active and address listed on Sonia Molina Rodriguez's license document is 2000 Central Texas Expwy, Killeen, Texas, 76541. The license will expire on 31 December, 2021. You can reach out to Sonia Molina Rodriguez via phone number 254-368-9568.

Sonia Molina Rodriguez has a license type of Real Estate Sales Agent which allows a real estate professional to perform services such as selling, buying, renting, auctioning, advertising of real estate properties, but only on behalf of a real estate broker (licensed broker who sponsers the sales agent). Sonia Molina Rodriguez is sponsored/employed by All City Real Estate, Ltd. Co., a Real Estate Broker LLC (real estate license no. 9003633). Licensed real estate professionals / entities are also commonly referred to as real estate agents or Realtors.

Realtor's Profile

NameSonia Molina Rodriguez
CredentialsReal Estate Sales Agent
Experience10 yrs
Complete Address2000 Central Texas Expwy, Killeen, Texas, 76541
Mailing Address6000 Flat Slate Dr, Killeen, Texas, 76542
Phone Number254-368-9568
Email @ gmail . com

Texas Real Estate License

License Number664517
License TypeReal Estate Sales Agent
License Status Current and Active
License Issue Date02 December, 2015
License Expiry Date31 December, 2021
Continuing Education (MCE) StatusNon-elective CE Requirements Outstanding

Sponsoring Broker Details

Real estate agents in Texas can work only on behalf of a licensed real estate broker. The sponsoring broker for Sonia Molina Rodriguez is All City Real Estate, Ltd. Co. (Real Estate Broker LLC).

Sponsoring Broker / EmployerAll City Real Estate, Ltd. Co.
Sponsor TypeReal Estate Broker LLC
Sponsoring Broker License Number9003633

Continuing Education

Real estate license needs to be renewed every 2 years. Sales Agents and Brokers need to complete atleast 18 hours of Continuing Education to become eligible for renewal. Sonia Molina Rodriguez has successfully completed following courses as part of qualifying and continuing education.

Course Name (course number)Course ProviderCourse End DateHours
Marriage, Same Sex Marriage and Divorce Issues in Real Estate (35579)EducateRE2020-06-161
Real Estate Finance for Agents (36921)Alliance Academy2019-12-283
Finance Updates for Agents (36925)Alliance Academy2019-12-193
Financing the Buyer 3.0 (36351)Alliance Academy2019-12-173
Legal Update II (2018-2019) (33198)Alliance Academy2019-12-074
Legal Update I (2018-2019) (33197)Alliance Academy2019-12-064
Marketing Basics (34726)Alliance Academy2019-12-051
Investor 101 (35113)Angela Lynne Francis2019-09-042
1031 Like-Kind Exchanges (34995)EducateRE2019-05-201
Avoiding Common Contract Mistakes (34115)National Investors Title Insurance Company2019-04-041
The Real Estate Closing!!! (34114)National Investors Title Insurance Company2019-04-042
Fine Tune Your Negotiation Skills (34559)First American Title Guaranty Company2019-02-203
Cash Flow Planning for Real Estate Investors (31895)CMPS Institute, LLC2018-12-053
The FICO Score and How To Improve it Quickly (32298)Vestell Wright2018-11-062
In Depth With The 1-4 Family Contract (35201)The Real Estate Business School of Salado2018-11-055
Texas Oil & Gas for the Real Estate Agent (32126)Westcor Land Title Insurance Company2018-10-251
Marital Property Rights and Real Estate Closings (32019)Westcor Land Title Insurance Company2018-10-251
Tax Strategies for Real Estate Professionals (34142)Samantha Jackson2018-10-242
Residential Service Contracts in Real Estate Transactions (30876)Old Republic Home Protection Co, Inc.2018-04-243
Changes, Nuances and Updates (33232)The Real Estate Business School2018-04-103
Legal Update II (2018-2019) (33198)Title Resources Guaranty Company2018-03-214
Real Estate Marketing: Building a Real Estate Practice (536), Inc.2017-12-1130
Real Estate Brokerage (751), Inc.2017-11-0830
Legal Update II (29623), Inc.2017-10-074
Legal Update I (29622), Inc.2017-10-034
Increase Buying Power - Understand Credit Scores (32154)Monitoring Advantage2017-09-192
How to Use Financing to Attract Buyers & Create More Sales (30776)REALTOR Academy2016-08-254
REAL ESTATE FINANCE I (411)American School Of Real Estate Express, LLC2015-07-0630

Address Location for Sonia Molina Rodriguez
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