John J Hosey Iv

Real Estate Broker

Shelterfield Real Estate, 140 Pennsylvania Avenue - Malvern Pa 19355, Po Box 29, Flourtown, Pennsylvania, 19031

John J Hosey Iv is a licensed real estate broker in Flourtown, Pennsylvania and has a total real estate experience of 50 years and is in the business of real estate transactions in Montgomery County of Pennsylvania. Licensed real estate professionals / entities are also commonly referred to as real estate agents or Realtors. The real estate license number RB027793A was issued to John J Hosey Iv by Pennsylvania Real State Commission on 18 June, 1975. The status of license is Active and address listed on John J Hosey Iv's license document is Shelterfield Real Estate, 140 Pennsylvania Avenue - Malvern Pa 19355, Po Box 29, Flourtown, Pennsylvania, 19031. The real estate license is valid till 31 May, 2020.

John J Hosey Iv has a license type of Real Estate Broker which allows a real estate professional or entity to perform services such as selling, buying, renting, auctioning, advertising of real estate properties for compensation commonly in the form of commission or brokerage which is generally negotiable.

Realtor's Profile

NameJohn J Hosey Iv
CredentialsReal Estate Broker
Contact AddressShelterfield Real Estate, 140 Pennsylvania Avenue - Malvern Pa 19355, Po Box 29, Flourtown, Pennsylvania, 19031
License NumberRB027793A
CountyMontgomery County
Employer License NumberRB045719C

License Status

Real Estate License RB027793A
License TypeReal Estate Broker
License StatusActive
License Issued On18 June, 1975
License Expiry Date31 May, 2020

Work Place

John J Hosey Iv (Real Estate Broker) works for Remax Action Realty (A Real Estate Corp LLC) at Ambler, PA along with 152 other co-workers. The real estate license number for Remax Action Realty (Real Estate Corp LLC) is RB045719C.
Employer NameRemax Action Realty
Employer CredentialsReal Estate Corp LLC
Employer License NumberRB045719C
Employer AddressRemax Action Realty, 1126 Horsham Road, Ambler, PA 19002
Employer CountyMontgomery County
No. of Branches0
No. of Employees153

Employees of John J Hosey Iv

As per our records, there are 1 real estate agents who are currently working for John J Hosey Iv (Real Estate Broker).
Employee NameCredentialsLicense NumberValidity
Sharon J TaylorSalespersonRS172256L31 May, 2020

Address Location for John J Hosey Iv
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