Bailey Madison Inc

Real Estate Corporation

Century 21 Signature Properties, 230 Ferguson Avenue, Shavertown, Pennsylvania, 18708

Bailey Madison Inc is a licensed real estate corp llc in Shavertown, Pennsylvania and has a total real estate experience of 21 years and is in the business of real estate transactions in Luzerne County of Pennsylvania. Licensed real estate professionals / entities are also commonly referred to as real estate agents or Realtors. The real estate license number RB065535 was issued to Bailey Madison Inc by Pennsylvania Real State Commission on 07 September, 2004. The status of license is Active and address listed on Bailey Madison Inc's license document is Century 21 Signature Properties, 230 Ferguson Avenue, Shavertown, Pennsylvania, 18708. The real estate license is valid till 31 May, 2020.

Bailey Madison Inc has a license type of Real Estate Corp LLC which allows a real estate professional or entity to perform services such as selling, buying, renting, auctioning, advertising of real estate properties for compensation commonly in the form of commission or brokerage which is generally negotiable.

Realtor's Profile

NameBailey Madison Inc
CredentialsReal Estate Corp LLC
Contact AddressCentury 21 Signature Properties, 230 Ferguson Avenue, Shavertown, Pennsylvania, 18708
License NumberRB065535
CountyLuzerne County

License Status

Real Estate License RB065535
License TypeReal Estate Corp LLC
License StatusActive
License Issued On07 September, 2004
License Expiry Date31 May, 2020

Employees of Bailey Madison Inc

As per our records, there are 32 real estate agents who are currently working for Bailey Madison Inc (Real Estate Corp LLC).
Employee NameCredentialsLicense NumberValidity
Jean A InnamoratiAssociate BrokerAB045502A31 May, 2020
Patrick GuestoAssociate BrokerAB06750331 May, 2020
Ronald Richard Wilson EsqAssociate BrokerAB06783531 May, 2020
Michael SlacktishBrokerRM42294631 May, 2020
Robert M Innamorati JrSalespersonRS195592L31 May, 2020
Florence KonopkeSalespersonRS209413L31 May, 2020
Ronald KozakSalespersonRS27088731 May, 2020
Corine TreslarSalespersonRS27811031 May, 2020
Jennifer D Hilla-josefowiczSalespersonRS27995931 May, 2020
William RichardsSalespersonRS28173731 May, 2020
Cindy L EckroteSalespersonRS28687131 May, 2020
John W PolifkaSalespersonRS30092731 May, 2020
Cynthia Ann KingSalespersonRS30768531 May, 2020
Susan KatsockSalespersonRS30857431 May, 2020
Leslie H LivingstoneSalespersonRS31473931 May, 2020
John D CasperSalespersonRS31741831 May, 2020
Julia CarronSalespersonRS32343231 May, 2020
Sarah RapsonSalespersonRS32556931 May, 2020
Michael D Mooney JrSalespersonRS32883731 May, 2020
Alison PisanoSalespersonRS32929931 May, 2020
John Joseph NovajoskySalespersonRS32930031 May, 2020
Jennifer LangdonSalespersonRS33310931 May, 2020
Paige Griffiths SearsSalespersonRS33322331 May, 2020
Jorge Antonio BritoSalespersonRS33451331 May, 2020
Tara StepanitisSalespersonRS33676131 May, 2020
Kevin P KushinskiSalespersonRS33723231 May, 2020
Maureen C LussiSalespersonRS33785631 May, 2020
Jenine FinarelliSalespersonRS33820931 May, 2020
Heather Lynn MaloneySalespersonRS34034231 May, 2020
James T BushSalespersonRS34038431 May, 2020
Kevin Richard KolodgieSalespersonRS34199731 May, 2020
Elbros SamkoughSalespersonRS34207331 May, 2020

Address Location for Bailey Madison Inc
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