Absolute Realty Llc

Real Estate Corporation

Century 21 Absolute Realty, 512 Baltimore Pike, Springfield, Pennsylvania, 19064

Absolute Realty Llc is a licensed real estate corp llc in Springfield, Pennsylvania and has a total real estate experience of 21 years and is in the business of real estate transactions in Delaware County of Pennsylvania. Licensed real estate professionals / entities are also commonly referred to as real estate agents or Realtors. The real estate license number RB065587 was issued to Absolute Realty Llc by Pennsylvania Real State Commission on 18 November, 2004. The status of license is Active and address listed on Absolute Realty Llc's license document is Century 21 Absolute Realty, 512 Baltimore Pike, Springfield, Pennsylvania, 19064. The real estate license is valid till 31 May, 2020.

Absolute Realty Llc has a license type of Real Estate Corp LLC which allows a real estate professional or entity to perform services such as selling, buying, renting, auctioning, advertising of real estate properties for compensation commonly in the form of commission or brokerage which is generally negotiable.

Realtor's Profile

NameAbsolute Realty Llc
CredentialsReal Estate Corp LLC
Contact AddressCentury 21 Absolute Realty, 512 Baltimore Pike, Springfield, Pennsylvania, 19064
License NumberRB065587
CountyDelaware County

License Status

Real Estate License RB065587
License TypeReal Estate Corp LLC
License StatusActive
License Issued On18 November, 2004
License Expiry Date31 May, 2020

Employees of Absolute Realty Llc

As per our records, there are 71 real estate agents who are currently working for Absolute Realty Llc (Real Estate Corp LLC).
Employee NameCredentialsLicense NumberValidity
Judith H BlairAssociate BrokerAB041697A31 May, 2020
Kathlene L HanickAssociate BrokerAB06615331 May, 2020
Janis Williams-shepherdAssociate BrokerAB06618731 May, 2020
John J MakatcheAssociate BrokerAB06647431 May, 2020
Litizia M MaloneyAssociate BrokerAB06684331 May, 2020
Stanley J Lesniak JrAssociate BrokerAB06716831 May, 2020
Rosemary D ClapperAssociate BrokerAB06722831 May, 2020
David L StinsonBrokerRM41962631 May, 2020
Raymond M MckinneyBrokerRM42185631 May, 2020
William T Bohne JrSalespersonRS109839A31 May, 2020
Robert M YoungSalespersonRS117767A31 May, 2020
Gail ArmstrongSalespersonRS127141A31 May, 2020
Linda L JohnsonSalespersonRS133508A31 May, 2020
John C GardlerSalespersonRS133750A31 May, 2020
Thomas W Parker JrSalespersonRS134818A31 May, 2020
Sanjeev R AhluwaliaSalespersonRS137247A31 May, 2020
Lisa A BustinSalespersonRS157401A31 May, 2020
Margaret M TaggartSalespersonRS157644A31 May, 2020
Laurie J LotkowskiSalespersonRS178066L31 May, 2020
Patrick F MckennaSalespersonRS179511L31 May, 2020
Eric S HoweSalespersonRS182609L31 May, 2020
Michael B McfaddenSalespersonRS186852L31 May, 2020
Joseph E CampuzanoSalespersonRS188184L31 May, 2020
Michael R RopskiSalespersonRS191180L31 May, 2020
Nancy G Nowrey-gerstenkornSalespersonRS199659L31 May, 2020
Joseph E ParkerSalespersonRS208957L31 May, 2020
Michael L SchuslerSalespersonRS218902L31 May, 2020
Lance A ClaiborneSalespersonRS219365L31 May, 2020
Kathleen M HarrerSalespersonRS222763L31 May, 2020
Veronica JohnsonSalespersonRS227595L31 May, 2020
Marie SimoneSalespersonRS228005L31 May, 2020
Joanne F MurraySalespersonRS22918931 May, 2020
Irena JanczakSalespersonRS27486131 May, 2020
Pamela A BallSalespersonRS27766731 May, 2020
Irina N PezzottiSalespersonRS28003331 May, 2020
Robert TetaSalespersonRS28061331 May, 2020
Robert T SeminoleSalespersonRS28068831 May, 2020
Tifphani FernandesSalespersonRS28322131 May, 2020
J Douglas DurrenSalespersonRS28455831 May, 2020
Gloria J TodorSalespersonRS28455931 May, 2020
Salvatore Dicara JrSalespersonRS28705731 May, 2020
William E CarterSalespersonRS28996831 May, 2020
Faith M BooseSalespersonRS29051731 May, 2020
George KarpetisSalespersonRS29256031 May, 2020
Sam ShepherdSalespersonRS29433331 May, 2020
Jose K VargheseSalespersonRS29484631 May, 2020
James A MaloneySalespersonRS29527631 May, 2020
Daniel J PizziSalespersonRS29702631 May, 2020
Dennis P ConnSalespersonRS29711631 May, 2020
Betty Addison MccurtisSalespersonRS30243231 May, 2020
Perry J StathacosSalespersonRS30596331 May, 2020
Tamara M DickersonSalespersonRS30866231 May, 2020
Brian F FletcherSalespersonRS30882231 May, 2020
Dalia KairiukstieneSalespersonRS30958831 May, 2020
Kenyatta Contez WilliamsonSalespersonRS31445931 May, 2020
Shawn T TurnerSalespersonRS31446031 May, 2020
Venitta S LongSalespersonRS31704731 May, 2020
Althea L JeantySalespersonRS31710731 May, 2020
Sotheavy ChhumSalespersonRS31802931 May, 2020
Jun MengSalespersonRS32294131 May, 2020
Joanne MccoySalespersonRS32302931 May, 2020
Kim J WheelerSalespersonRS32544631 May, 2020
Joseph M RibaudoSalespersonRS32565731 May, 2020
Kimberly AtkinsSalespersonRS33224131 May, 2020
Kathleen H PedaSalespersonRS33466431 May, 2020
Andrea JohnsonSalespersonRS33539031 May, 2020
Tristan MushoSalespersonRS33873531 May, 2020
Declan LastSalespersonRS33906131 May, 2020
Nicolette FedorSalespersonRS34136931 May, 2020
Natalie WorsleySalespersonRS34164931 May, 2020
Mary Eileen KirchnerSalespersonRS34168331 May, 2020

Branch offices of Absolute Realty Llc

As per our records, there are 1 branch office/s of Absolute Realty Llc (Real Estate Corp LLC) at different locations as mentioned below.
Employee NameLocationLicense NumberNo. of Employees
Absolute Realty LlcCentury 21 Absolute Realty, 1223 West Chester Pike, West ChesterRO3004010

Address Location for Absolute Realty Llc
Real Estate Corp LLCs in Delaware County, PA
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112 Chesley Drive, Suite 250, Media, PA 19063
M Vincent Gilbert Inc

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3081 W Chester Pk, Newtown Sq, PA 19073
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21 West Second Street, Media, PA 19063
Larkin Co Inc

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1021 N Providence Road, Media, PA 19063
Heritage R E

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117 North Monroe Street, Media, PA 19063
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649 South Avenue, Secane, PA 19018
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3 Raymond Drive Suite 200, Havertown, PA 19083
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Suite 200, 2 St Albans Avenue, Newtown Square, PA 19073