Century 21 Veterans Corp

Real Estate Corporation

Century 21 Veterans, 1909 Veterans Highway, Levittown, Pennsylvania, 19056

Century 21 Veterans Corp is a licensed real estate corp llc in Levittown, Pennsylvania and has a total real estate experience of 12 years and is in the business of real estate transactions in Bucks County of Pennsylvania. Licensed real estate professionals / entities are also commonly referred to as real estate agents or Realtors. The real estate license number RB067901 was issued to Century 21 Veterans Corp by Pennsylvania Real State Commission on 10 October, 2013. The status of license is Active and address listed on Century 21 Veterans Corp's license document is Century 21 Veterans, 1909 Veterans Highway, Levittown, Pennsylvania, 19056. The real estate license is valid till 31 May, 2020.

Century 21 Veterans Corp has a license type of Real Estate Corp LLC which allows a real estate professional or entity to perform services such as selling, buying, renting, auctioning, advertising of real estate properties for compensation commonly in the form of commission or brokerage which is generally negotiable.

Realtor's Profile

NameCentury 21 Veterans Corp
CredentialsReal Estate Corp LLC
Contact AddressCentury 21 Veterans, 1909 Veterans Highway, Levittown, Pennsylvania, 19056
License NumberRB067901
CountyBucks County

License Status

Real Estate License RB067901
License TypeReal Estate Corp LLC
License StatusActive
License Issued On10 October, 2013
License Expiry Date31 May, 2020

Employees of Century 21 Veterans Corp

As per our records, there are 63 real estate agents who are currently working for Century 21 Veterans Corp (Real Estate Corp LLC).
Employee NameCredentialsLicense NumberValidity
Maryanne GallagherAssociate BrokerAB061471L31 May, 2020
Robert S BeckAssociate BrokerAB062298L31 May, 2020
Mary Robyn TrunellAssociate BrokerAB06771131 May, 2020
Kenneth M MurawskiAssociate BrokerAB06797831 May, 2020
Melanie A BanksBrokerRM42325231 May, 2020
Joanne M ElliottSalespersonRS126616A31 May, 2020
Marsha Lee HickSalespersonRS156135A31 May, 2020
Patricia KnollSalespersonRS192941L31 May, 2020
Mark A TompkinsSalespersonRS196892L31 May, 2020
Mary Margaret MazzaSalespersonRS199091L31 May, 2020
Cynthia BritlandSalespersonRS221277L31 May, 2020
Kathalin TamenneSalespersonRS226165L31 May, 2020
Beata DziekonskiSalespersonRS226589L31 May, 2020
Dolores NowickiSalespersonRS27450031 May, 2020
Cathy Waslenko AndersonSalespersonRS27685031 May, 2020
Darcy A TermanSalespersonRS27741331 May, 2020
Beth J RothSalespersonRS27789831 May, 2020
Lisa A WolfSalespersonRS27791631 May, 2020
Anna M ScuderiSalespersonRS28798631 May, 2020
Melissa A CentifontiSalespersonRS29267531 May, 2020
Mark S GurskySalespersonRS29932731 May, 2020
Kelly Lyn WildSalespersonRS29936531 May, 2020
Anthony Paul PintoSalespersonRS30008631 May, 2020
Suzanne M Goehrs-smithSalespersonRS30065531 May, 2020
Anne M CostelloSalespersonRS30376731 May, 2020
Michael S ThomasSalespersonRS30465131 May, 2020
Michael M DampmanSalespersonRS30499831 May, 2020
Salvatore J MonteroSalespersonRS30500631 May, 2020
Theresa A SivertsenSalespersonRS30549531 May, 2020
Richard J WebbSalespersonRS30675231 May, 2020
Melanie C ElliottSalespersonRS30740331 May, 2020
Sandra L KaiserSalespersonRS30837231 May, 2020
Lethea M DelucaSalespersonRS30918031 May, 2020
Daniel J StewartSalespersonRS30959331 May, 2020
Joseph A DelucaSalespersonRS31093031 May, 2020
Joseph BroganSalespersonRS31236731 May, 2020
Susan BuzekSalespersonRS31377631 May, 2020
Debra M SchwabSalespersonRS31768731 May, 2020
Heather D FalaSalespersonRS31867631 May, 2020
Robert SmithSalespersonRS31877431 May, 2020
Lisa MullaghySalespersonRS31920831 May, 2020
Christine D ButrymSalespersonRS31921831 May, 2020
Valarie GravesSalespersonRS32257331 May, 2020
Kelly Anne DozierSalespersonRS32451531 May, 2020
Lindsay Ann MccormickSalespersonRS32466031 May, 2020
Jose M Robledo JrSalespersonRS32965231 May, 2020
Anthony V RiccioSalespersonRS33033331 May, 2020
Timothy Michael MenschSalespersonRS33069731 May, 2020
Erika PelosiSalespersonRS33188431 May, 2020
Angilena KerperSalespersonRS33223531 May, 2020
Christina A WiedenhaeferSalespersonRS33307231 May, 2020
Malgorzata DanajSalespersonRS33383031 May, 2020
Nicholas Jonathan DumasSalespersonRS33461031 May, 2020
Marisa GiannoneSalespersonRS33518831 May, 2020
Jeanne HathawaySalespersonRS33604731 May, 2020
Samson YohannesSalespersonRS33716931 May, 2020
Joanna K WieszczekSalespersonRS33885131 May, 2020
Jamar Javier NicholsSalespersonRS33887931 May, 2020
Mark KleinSalespersonRS34085431 May, 2020
Natalie WellsSalespersonRS34088231 May, 2020
Johann AxsomSalespersonRS34160931 May, 2020
Denisse OrtizSalespersonRS34189131 May, 2020
Marykate SchreiberSalespersonRS34217431 May, 2020

Branch offices of Century 21 Veterans Corp

As per our records, there are 1 branch office/s of Century 21 Veterans Corp (Real Estate Corp LLC) at different locations as mentioned below.
Employee NameLocationLicense NumberNo. of Employees
Century 21 Veterans CorpCentury 21 Veterans, 104 Pheasant Run, NewtownRO3018020

Address Location for Century 21 Veterans Corp
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