Richard A Weidel Jr

Real Estate Broker

Two Route 31 South, Pennington, New jersey, 8534

Richard A Weidel Jr is a licensed real estate broker in Pennington, New jersey and has a total real estate experience of 33 years and is in the business of real estate transactions in Mercer County of Pennsylvania. Licensed real estate professionals / entities are also commonly referred to as real estate agents or Realtors. The real estate license number RM423095 was issued to Richard A Weidel Jr by Pennsylvania Real State Commission on 03 June, 1992. The status of license is Active and address listed on Richard A Weidel Jr's license document is Two Route 31 South, Pennington, New jersey, 8534. The real estate license is valid till 31 May, 2020.

Richard A Weidel Jr has a license type of Real Estate Broker which allows a real estate professional or entity to perform services such as selling, buying, renting, auctioning, advertising of real estate properties for compensation commonly in the form of commission or brokerage which is generally negotiable. The employer for Richard A Weidel Jr is Richard A Weidel Corp (real estate license no. RB067538) which is a Broker Corp Llc Partner.

Realtor's Profile

NameRichard A Weidel Jr
CredentialsReal Estate Broker
Contact AddressTwo Route 31 South, Pennington, New jersey, 8534
License NumberRM423095
CountyMercer County
EmployerRichard A Weidel Corp
Employer License NumberRB067538

License Status

Real Estate License RM423095
License TypeReal Estate Broker
License StatusActive
License Issued On03 June, 1992
License Expiry Date31 May, 2020

Work Place

Richard A Weidel Jr (Real Estate Broker) works for Richard A Weidel Corp (A Real Estate Corp LLC) at Pennington, NJ along with 3 other co-workers. The real estate license number for Richard A Weidel Corp (Real Estate Corp LLC) is RB067538.
Employer NameRichard A Weidel Corp
Employer CredentialsReal Estate Corp LLC
Employer License NumberRB067538
Employer AddressTwo Route 31 South, Pennington, NJ 8534
Employer CountyMercer County
No. of Branches0
No. of Employees4

Address Location for Richard A Weidel Jr
Real Estate Brokers in Mercer County, NJ
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247 Nassau Street, Princeton, NJ 8540
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Garcia Realtors, 669 Chambers Street, Trenton, NJ 8611
Alex Hofman

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201 Fulton Street, Trenton, NJ 8611
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Keller Williams Delaware Valley Realty, 100 Canal Pointe Boulevard - Suite 120, Princeton, NJ 8540
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