John R Mcghee

Real Estate Broker

Homeowners Real Estate, 2920 Smithson Dr, Forest Hill, Maryland, 21050

John R Mcghee is a licensed real estate broker in Forest Hill, Maryland and has a total real estate experience of 15 years and is in the business of real estate transactions in Harford County of Pennsylvania. Licensed real estate professionals / entities are also commonly referred to as real estate agents or Realtors. The real estate license number SBR001209 was issued to John R Mcghee by Pennsylvania Real State Commission on 23 November, 2009. The status of license is Active and address listed on John R Mcghee's license document is Homeowners Real Estate, 2920 Smithson Dr, Forest Hill, Maryland, 21050. The real estate license is valid till 31 May, 2020.

John R Mcghee has a license type of Real Estate Broker which allows a real estate professional or entity to perform services such as selling, buying, renting, auctioning, advertising of real estate properties for compensation commonly in the form of commission or brokerage which is generally negotiable.

Realtor's Profile

NameJohn R Mcghee
CredentialsReal Estate Broker
Contact AddressHomeowners Real Estate, 2920 Smithson Dr, Forest Hill, Maryland, 21050
License NumberSBR001209
CountyHarford County
Employer License NumberRB052126C

License Status

Real Estate License SBR001209
License TypeReal Estate Broker
License StatusActive
License Issued On23 November, 2009
License Expiry Date31 May, 2020

Work Place

John R Mcghee (Real Estate Broker) works for Joan Ryder And Associates R E Inc (A Real Estate Corp LLC) at Bel Air, MD along with 4 other co-workers. The real estate license number for Joan Ryder And Associates R E Inc (Real Estate Corp LLC) is RB052126C.
Employer NameJoan Ryder And Associates R E Inc
Employer CredentialsReal Estate Corp LLC
Employer License NumberRB052126C
Employer Address3 Vale Road - Suite 200, Bel Air, MD 21014
Employer CountyHarford County
No. of Branches0
No. of Employees5

Employees of John R Mcghee

As per our records, there are 1 real estate agents who are currently working for John R Mcghee (Real Estate Broker).
Employee NameCredentialsLicense NumberValidity
Crystal Williams HogueSalespersonRSR00276931 May, 2020

Address Location for John R Mcghee
Real Estate Brokers in Harford County, MD
Beverly Lynn Herbert

Real Estate Broker
Valley View Realty, 2413 Rocks Road, Forest Hill, MD 21050
Lonnie Lee Wiskman

Real Estate Broker
Premier Realty Reo, 109 Victory Ln, Bel Air, MD 21014