Joel N Lawson Jr - Real Estate Broker

503 S. Main Street, Snowflake, Arizona, 85939
(928) 536-7020

Joel N Lawson Jr is a licensed real estate broker in the city of Snowflake, Arizona. Joel N Lawson Jr has real estate license number BR114099000 which was issued by Arizona Real Estate Department on 3/10/1999. The current status of license is Active and it is valid till 3/31/2021. The official address of Joel N Lawson Jr is 503 S. Main Street, Snowflake, Arizona, 85939 and the contact number is (928) 536-7020.

Joel N Lawson Jr (License No. BR114099000) is an employee of Adventure Realty, a Branch, Liability (license number LC678467001) and is working as Associate Broker. Joel N Lawson Jr has a license type of Real Estate Broker which allows a real estate professional to perform services such as selling, buying, renting, auctioning, advertising of real estate properties for compensation commonly in the form of commission. Licensed real estate professionals / entities are also commonly referred to as real estate agents or Realtors.

Realtor's Profile

Legal NameJoel N Lawson Jr
License NumberBR114099000
CredentialsReal Estate Broker
Complete Address503 S. Main Street,
Snowflake, Arizona 85939
County NameNavajo County
Phone Number(928) 536-7020
Fax Number

Arizona Real Estate License

License NumberBR114099000
License TypeReal Estate Broker
License Status Active
License Issue Date3/10/1999
Latest Renewed Date2/13/2019
License Expiry Date3/31/2021

Employer Details

Joel N Lawson Jr is employed by Adventure Realty which is a Branch, Liability and Joel N Lawson Jr is employed as Associate Broker.

Employer Legal NameDrdb, Llc
Employer DBA NameAdventure Realty
Employer TypeBranch, Liability
Employed AsAssociate Broker
Employer License NumberLC678467001
Employer Contact Number(928) 536-7020

Co-workers of Joel N Lawson Jr

As per our records, there are 6 co-workers who are currently working with Joel N Lawson Jr at Adventure Realty.

NameCredentialsLicense Number
Judy J MorganBrokerBR003644000
Joel N Lawson JrBrokerBR114099000
Loralee BankerSalespersonSA055010000
Kevin F DunnSalespersonSA534882000
Linda M ReidheadSalespersonSA626431000
Roger L MorganSalespersonSA646604000
Tabetha HargettSalespersonSA675507000

Address Location for Joel N Lawson Jr
Real Estate Brokers in Snowflake, AZ
Judy J Morgan

503 S. Main Street, Snowflake, AZ 85939
(928) 536-7020
Elizabeth M Contreras

P.o. Box 1828, Snowflake, AZ 85937
(928) 243-0548
David G Decker

484 N. Main St., Snowflake, AZ 85937
(888) 973-4737
Judy A Staley

432 S Main St, Snowflake, AZ 85937
(928) 536-2110
Greg S. Brimhall

1380 W. Rutledge Drive, Snowflake, AZ 85937
(928) 536-7256
Russell J Tingey

484 N. Main St., Snowflake, AZ 85937
(888) 973-4737
Dale R Hansen

3045 North Old Woodruff Road, Snowflake, AZ 85937
(928) 243-6667