Sandra Donsky

Real Estate Agent

4455 Sigma Rd, Dallas, Texas, 75244-4597

Sandra Donsky is a licensed real estate sales agent in Dallas, Texas and has a total experience of 38 years in real estate business. The real estate license number 177779 was issued by TREC to Sandra Donsky on 02 September, 1987. The current status of license is Current and Active and address listed on Sandra Donsky's license document is 4455 Sigma Rd, Dallas, Texas, 75244-4597. The license will expire on 31 October, 2021. You can reach out to Sandra Donsky via phone number 214-458-8808.

Sandra Donsky has a license type of Real Estate Sales Agent which allows a real estate professional to perform services such as selling, buying, renting, auctioning, advertising of real estate properties, but only on behalf of a real estate broker (licensed broker who sponsers the sales agent). Sandra Donsky is sponsored/employed by Ebby Halliday Real Estate, Inc., a Real Estate Corporation Broker (real estate license no. 257740). Licensed real estate professionals / entities are also commonly referred to as real estate agents or Realtors.

Realtor's Profile

NameSandra Donsky
CredentialsReal Estate Sales Agent
Experience38 yrs
Complete Address4455 Sigma Rd, Dallas, Texas, 75244-4597
Mailing Address5999 W Northwest Highway, Dallas, Texas, Dallas, Texas, 75225
Phone Number214-458-8808
Email Addresssandydonsky @ ebby . com

Texas Real Estate License

License Number177779
License TypeReal Estate Sales Agent
License Status Current and Active
License Issue Date02 September, 1987
License Expiry Date31 October, 2021
Continuing Education (MCE) StatusNon-elective CE Requirements Outstanding

Sponsoring Broker Details

Real estate agents in Texas can work only on behalf of a licensed real estate broker. The sponsoring broker for Sandra Donsky is Ebby Halliday Real Estate, Inc. (Real Estate Corporation Broker).

Sponsoring Broker / EmployerEbby Halliday Real Estate, Inc.
Sponsor TypeReal Estate Corporation Broker
Sponsoring Broker License Number257740

Continuing Education

Real estate license needs to be renewed every 2 years. Sales Agents and Brokers need to complete atleast 18 hours of Continuing Education to become eligible for renewal. Sandra Donsky has successfully completed following courses as part of qualifying and continuing education.

Course Name (course number)Course ProviderCourse End DateHours
Understanding Surveys & Title Issues (37443)Dawn Enoch Moore, P.C.2020-05-202
Closed the Deal: Now What? (36896)Title Resources Guaranty Company2020-05-141
The Addenda to the Contract (Paragraph 22) (34336)Dawn Enoch Moore, P.C.2020-04-272
Liability Outside of the Seller's Disclosure (35336)Ebby Halliday Real Estate, Inc.2019-10-282
Legal Update II (2018-2019) (33198)Ebby Halliday Real Estate, Inc.2019-10-164
Legal Update I (2018-2019) (33197)Ebby Halliday Real Estate, Inc.2019-10-034
Forecast 2019 (35030)MetroTex Association of Realtors, Inc.2018-10-053
Leasing Refresher 2018 (33624)Ebby Halliday Real Estate, Inc.2018-08-221
Marketing to Millenials (33489)Republic Title of Texas, Inc.2018-06-111
Signing Savvy (32651)Ebby Halliday Real Estate, Inc.2018-05-022
Property Pro in One Hour - Buy and Hold Real Estate (31866)Janice Moore2017-12-101
Leasing Refresher 2017 (31699)Ebby Halliday Real Estate, Inc.2017-11-281
Bloopers (32652)Ebby Halliday Real Estate, Inc.2017-11-132
Contract Feud (32963)MetroTex Association of Realtors, Inc.2017-10-121
The Addenda to the Contract (paragraph 22) (30550)Dawn Enoch Moore, P.C.2017-09-072
Legal Update II (29623)Ebby Halliday Real Estate, Inc.2017-08-214
Legal Update I (29622)Ebby Halliday Real Estate, Inc.2017-08-174
The Dirty Dozen: Common Contract Problems (30482)Dawn Enoch Moore, P.C.2017-06-222
Ebby Leasing 2017 (31698)Ebby Halliday Real Estate, Inc.2017-03-233
SIMSOC (30323)MetroTex Association of Realtors, Inc.2017-03-058
Red Flags of Residential Resale (28349)Republic Title of Texas, Inc.2017-02-271
Appraisal Issues (28909)Ebby Halliday Real Estate, Inc.2017-01-231
Spokesperson Training for Texas Realtors (31211)Texas REALTORS2016-12-028
Survey Issues (31241)Republic Title of Texas, Inc.2016-10-171
Appraisal Issues (28909)Ebby Halliday Real Estate, Inc.2016-08-151
Deeds, Liens & Estates in Land (30311)Republic Title of Texas, Inc.2016-06-061
Cyber Threats (30453)Ebby Halliday Real Estate, Inc.2016-05-091
Who Signs? Marital Property Rights (29278)Dawn Enoch Moore, P.C.2016-01-291
Creating Listings Where There Are None (27981)Texas REALTORS2016-01-111
Go for the Close (27987)Texas REALTORS2015-11-161
Harness Your Negotiation Power: Sellers (27974)Texas REALTORS2015-10-191
Harness Your Negotiation Power: Buyers (27975)Texas REALTORS2015-09-211
Cool Tools You'll Use to Better Serve Consumers (27984)Texas REALTORS2015-07-201
Social Media 2.0: Do You Speak Digital? (27993)Texas REALTORS2015-06-151
Foundations, Everything you need to know to save your buyer or s (27787)Lighthouse Engineering, LLC/Michael Gandy2015-04-131
DocuSign (27593)Republic Title of Texas, Inc.2015-03-042
TREC Ethics MCE (26393)Ebby Halliday Real Estate, Inc.2015-02-173
TREC Legal Update MCE (26392)Ebby Halliday Real Estate, Inc.2015-02-173
MULTIPLE OFFERS & THE TREC CONTRACT (25603)Republic Title of Texas, Inc.2015-02-091
Home Inspections 101 (26461)MetroTex Association of Realtors, Inc.2014-09-301
SPECIAL SELLER SITUATIONS (25604)Republic Title of Texas, Inc.2014-08-181
BASIC REAL ESTATE LAW (26040)Dawn Enoch Moore, P.C.2014-07-281
FACEBOOK 101 WORKSHOP - SETTING UP FOR SUCCESS (25042)Title Resources Guaranty Company2014-01-231
TREC Ethics MCE (23556)Ebby Halliday Real Estate, Inc.2013-09-093
TREC Legal Update MCE (23555)Dawn Enoch Moore, P.C.2013-08-233
THE INS AND OUTS OF THE TREC ONE TO FOUR CONTRACT (24696)Ebby Halliday Real Estate, Inc.2013-07-222
FUSION MLS (24649)MetroTex Association of Realtors, Inc.2013-01-253
DEFINITIONS & RULES OF THE 1031 EXCHANGE (18374)Republic Title of Texas, Inc.2012-12-192
Short Sales (23741)Republic Title of Texas, Inc.2012-12-111
DOCUSIGN 101 (23041)Alamo Title Company2012-05-152
TREC ETHICS MCE (E) (18650)Republic Title of Texas, Inc.2011-10-123
ZIP FORM ONLINE (18970)MetroTex Association of Realtors, Inc.2011-07-133
INNOVIA (18707)MetroTex Association of Realtors, Inc.2011-06-283
TREC LEGAL UPDATE MCE (L) (18649)Republic Title of Texas, Inc.2011-06-233
BECOME GOOGLE GREAT (19124)MTritt Inc.2011-04-202
Contract Revisions (22564)Republic Title of Texas, Inc.2011-01-241
TRAPS & PITFALLS FOR LICENSEES (17387)Republic Title of Texas, Inc.2010-06-211
REAL ESTATE TRENDS (18718)MetroTex Association of Realtors, Inc.2010-01-152
OPPORTUNITES IN RESIDENTIAL LEASING (17775)Ebby Halliday Real Estate, Inc.2009-10-263
ZIPFORM ONLINE (17882)Republic Title of Texas, Inc.2009-08-032
NORTH TEXAS REALTY SYMPOSIUM - AM SESSION (18149)Appraisal Institute,Region VIII2009-05-125
DEATH & DIVORCE ASPECTS OF RE TRANSACTIONS (17380)Republic Title of Texas, Inc.2009-05-072
NEGOTIATING FOR RESULTS (17518)Ebby Halliday Real Estate, Inc.2009-05-063
TREC ETHICS MCE (E) (16497)Ebby Halliday Real Estate, Inc.2009-04-173
TREC LEGAL UPDATE MCE (L) (16496)Ebby Halliday Real Estate, Inc.2009-04-173
NTREIS TAX (16127)MetroTex Association of Realtors, Inc.2007-08-202
TREC ETHICS (E) (INCLUDES TREC ETHICS) (13881)MetroTex Association of Realtors, Inc.2007-05-243
TREC ETHICS (E) (INCLUDES TREC ETHICS) (13881)MetroTex Association of Realtors, Inc.2007-05-241
TREC LEGAL UPDATE MCE (L) (13837)MetroTex Association of Realtors, Inc.2007-05-243
CREDIT SCORING (14561)MetroTex Association of Realtors, Inc.2007-05-234
REAL ESTATE FINANCE TODAY (14346)MetroTex Association of Realtors, Inc.2007-05-234
GENERATIONAL SELLING (15286)Champions School of Real Estate, LTD2007-01-239
TITLE COMMITMENT 101 (14562)Republic Title of Texas, Inc.2006-09-011
DEEDS, LIENS & ESTATES IN LAND (14214)Republic Title of Texas, Inc.2006-09-011
GROUND WATER LEASING (13388)Real Estate Center at Texas A&M University2005-10-261
TREC ETHICS & TREC LEGAL (EL) (INCLUDES TREC L&E) (13882)MetroTex Association of Realtors, Inc.2005-10-223
TREC ETHICS & TREC LEGAL (EL) (INCLUDES TREC L&E) (13882)MetroTex Association of Realtors, Inc.2005-10-223
TREC ETHICS & TREC LEGAL (EL) (INCLUDES TREC L&E) (13882)MetroTex Association of Realtors, Inc.2005-10-221
DEFINITIONS & RULES OF THE 1031 EXCHANGE (14410)Republic Title of Texas, Inc.2005-10-182
ECONOMIC OUTLOOK FOR REAL ESTATE IN 2005 (14275)Appraisal Institute,Region VIII2005-06-162
OUR ELUSIVE ENVIRONMENT (12415)MetroTex Association of Realtors, Inc.2003-09-214
TEXAS REAL ESTATE CONTRACTS AND ADDENDA (12570)MetroTex Association of Realtors, Inc.2003-09-208
NTREIS LISTING (13101)MetroTex Association of Realtors, Inc.2003-09-152
INTRODUCTION TO ZIPFORM (12674)MetroTex Association of Realtors, Inc.2003-05-223
WHERE IS IT WRITTEN (12111)MetroTex Association of Realtors, Inc.2001-09-228
PRICE IT RIGHT (11927)MetroTex Association of Realtors, Inc.2001-07-294
EFFECTIVE BUYER REPRESENTATION (10970)Kaplan Real Estate Education1999-05-179
EFFECTIVE BUYER REPRESENTATION (10970)Kaplan Real Estate Education1999-05-176
R.E. MCE UPDATE (10747)MetroTex Association of Realtors, Inc.1997-07-253
R.E. MCE UPDATE (10747)MetroTex Association of Realtors, Inc.1997-07-2512
ADDED BY IS (5998)ADDED BY IS1988-02-29180

Address Location for Sandra Donsky
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4455 Sigma Rd, Dallas, TX 75244-4597